Hey there,
I went on the most amazing 3 day 500+ mile ride organized by a friend this past week-end. It started in Marin to Napa, Booneville, ending in Ft. Bragg on Day 1. Day 2 was to Mendocino, Booneville, Skaggs, Napa, ending in Calistoga. Day 3 was riding back to SF with a huge grin, sore arms and a still numb left hand (especially my little finger...weird!).
I was told by a few of the riders that my left pipe was loose - maybe missing a bolt? It was moving around a lot more than the pipe on the right-hand side...could anyone take a look at it and maybe help me wrench it a bit? Beers are on me at the upcoming Zeitgeist meet!
Merci mille fois!