if you leave a day later maybe. or invent a time machine.
Question for some of you guys:
how fast can i make it through Kansas on I-70. Can i do 100mph on it? or are there cops?
There are cops, there are State Troopers, and then there's the group of lawmen that patrol the I-70 corridor through Kans-ass into Colorado.
These guys and gals use every possible trick in the book to get speeders.
Their favorite tactic is to drive in the left lane of the highway, doing about 60 mph, and actually tagging the opposite direction of traffic.
They have caused accidents when they have suddenly barreled into the median to go get their targets, and they take no responsibility for their actions.
If you had a Valentine 1, and a car, then yes, you could do 100 mph for vast stretches of I-70.
You just have to be wary of the 10 miles outside of the few major cities you would be passing through, and any sudden hills that are blind, as they like to park just past the rise, and nail you as you crest the hill with LIDAR.
Normally I recommend taking I-80 instead, just to avoid Kansas entirely.
But there's way more tolls on I-80 between NYC and Chicago, in comparison to the NYC to Indianapolis route you will be taking in order to hook up with I-70.
I usually recommend driving I-70 at night, just so you won't fall asleep due to scenery boredom, but you need to keep an eye out for evil storm clouds from Satan's Red Wing loving butthole, and lots of gas stations close at night.
Anyway, enjoy the ride, and make sure you wear earplugs.
For God's sake, don't ride a single leg of the trip without earplugs in.
And I don't mean headphone earplugs, either.