One thing to be mindful of: if your painter/powdercoater isn't careful, it is possible to seriously obscure the frame VIN. Mine is readable... but just barely. If you get it redone, make sure the shop is mindful of it's location.
huge +1 on this sentiment...the P.O. of my bike PC'd the frame, and it was obscuring the vin just enough, so I had to go to the headstock with a dremel tool to take the layer of P.C. off to expose the VIN to make it readable and I then resealed it with some clear nailpolish, but more or less left it as it was...the stickers simply make it more easily identifiable for confirmation...I would pull them off very carefully and put them on a spare piece of wax paper and put them in the owners manual or with the title for to present to the next owner for to be applied if needed/wanted...