can i ask what's wrong with the hands?
how does it affect the riding?
A couple of years ago I fell straight on them 2 times in a row. First I was Mountian Biking and ended up flinging myself over the handle bars at high speed. I did the obvious thing and tried to use my hands to protect my face...
I ended up with two fractured wrist...mild, but fractured...
Then about 2 months later, I slid down the side of a holding pond at work...and again...rather than going face first, instinctively threw up both my slightly better hands to protect myself
In hind site...should of took it on the chin
Anyways...I've ended up with-for want of a better term-some wicked carpal tunnel. I walk around much of the day with tingly fingers. They're okay until I'm doing something where I'm using my hands alot...such as typing this. I ride my bicycles, but most of time I'm not actually feeling anything in my I pull the brakes with the hope that my finger is still on the lever
I feel okay doing that, as I'm not on a road where there is the potential to harm others (be that people or property). But the moto, is out. I just can't do it right now...safely. But someday...I hope...that'll change.
Somewhere deep inside, I know it may not...but holding on the the monster keeps me optomistic.
Anyways...I can have surgery, and it "should" make it "better." I say better with "'s because no one will guarantee that I'll ever be able to ride properly, but there is a good chance of it. But at the moment, I can't do the surgery. For work reasons, and grad school timelines, and to be honest, because my insurance as a state employee is not as "Cadillac" as advertised by TV and radio pundits.
Any time between school semesters where it would fit, does not line up with ideal times to be off of work. Which is okay, for now, as it's giving me time to save up the money I need. And I understand that it sound silly, but I can't let off the school schedule, or I won't be done with my Grad program within the time constraints, as I'm not taking the full load to get done within the 5 years.
At some point, things will line up, and I'm going to get it done...I'm just being patient so I can do it right.
Long answer, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're all bored by now and have already clicked into a more interesting thread
ohhhh we can help with ideas
Of course.
I really want some motocross style bars. Specifically, I've been thinking of replacing bars/mirrors/indicators with a set up off a hyper...