Yeah in hand waiving terms LEDs are better - but take more craft and a burning blub - and don't get sold on the idea that LED replacements for the stock bulbs are better though. WebBikeWorld has tested a ton of LED things that are designed to replace incandescent bulbs with no mods - basically bulb or disc shapes with LEDs on them. Those things, to a man, under perform and cost more side by side to a regular bulb.
But, if you get a purpose built LED unit, now that can be a step up. I have a Mk. II Super Nova from Vizi-tec cheap, but the maker is a member here and know's his business. High powered LEDs that a running at low loads for longer life, a heat sink and fans (freakin' fans!) to ensure cooler operation for longer life and PLENTY of light output. The Mk. II is actaully adjustable at power on, with 3 brightness levels. Country road, normal, and OMG LAZERS!
For the turn signals - just be aware that you'll need to replace the blinker relay or add in some resistors and do some other fiddling depending on the configuration of your wiring. Adding (4) leds to my 620 caused the common rapid flash that folks get - solved with resistors. Adding them to my '00 900 with it's different relay and dash resulted in all 4 lights coming on and staying that way initially. There wasn't enough resistance to get the older type relay to click back to off, and the blinkers share part of the circuit through the dash.
So I used a solid state electronic relay to get the blink back, and had to rewire the dash a little to resolve the 4 way light matter. It was an easy job, and about $5 of crap from radio shack (couple diodes and shrink tube) - but it does require one to get into the dash and be comfortable altering the wiring.