14t and Gas Mileage

Started by jagstang, June 26, 2008, 07:50:05 PM

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I’m getting 65 miles to the gallon on average out of my S2R, quite incredible I know, but I am following my wife around on her 125 as she learns, I rarely go over 3000 rpm as I ride along now, I do have the 14T sprocket and I couldn’t say if it improves my mileage but it sure makes tootling around town behind the wife easier.


Changing my sprocket (15 to 14) had the overall effect of lowering the bike's speed a little at any given RPM or, conversely, bumping the rpm up a little (3-4K) at the same indicated speed.  But just a little -- it's not a major change.

So, now I can comfortably ride below 15 mph in 1st gear.  BTW, this is the only reason I changed the sprocket....I can still hit 120 mph indicated on the turnpike.


Quote from: OT on July 02, 2008, 06:42:44 PM
So, now I can comfortably ride below 15 mph in 1st gear.  BTW, this is the only reason I changed the sprocket....

Me too! and it behaves so much better!


Doesn't swapping sprocket sizes effect your speedo? I had an R6 and dropped a few teeth to improve low end pull away and just dropping a couple teeth was enough to throw my speedo way off. I know there's a bunch of little speedo healer products you can buy but I never got the chance to install one.

I usually try to cruise around between 4000 and 5000 rpms on my 02 750. Feels good, seems to be right in the middle of the powerband. Am I correct in assuming that if I fitted a 14t sprocket as opposed to a 15t it would cruise at the same speed at around 3500 as it did previously at 4000 rpms?
2002 Ducati Monster 750ie Dark
2005 Monster S2R Dark


Quote from: VeryMetal on July 02, 2008, 10:01:10 PM
Doesn't swapping sprocket sizes effect your speedo? I had an R6 and dropped a few teeth to improve low end pull away and just dropping a couple teeth was enough to throw my speedo way off. I know there's a bunch of little speedo healer products you can buy but I never got the chance to install one.

No it doesn't.
2005 S4R - Sato, PM, CC, Sargeant
2005 GasGas FSE450
2004 Honda VFR


Speed on (only newer?) Monsters is measured at the rear wheel -- I believe it's a magnetic device that 'counts' the bolts on the rear sprocket as they pass by.  If correct, it would probably take a major wheel change (i.e., bolt pattern/number) to affect the speedo.