You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in attending the Fall Know How Motorcycle Maintenance Workshop.
Please read through carefully.
The dates are as follows:
Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 & 10/27
Sundays 10am-5pm 10/16, 10/23 & 10/30
To hold a spot in the class fill out the form below and email it back to me.
To complete registration, make a check out to Works Engineering for $395
Mail it to
Chad Strohmayer
302 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Once payment is received and check clears you are guaranteed a spot in the class.
Class fills up very quickly so don’t delay.
Thank You,
Chad Strohmayer
**** You will need to have a suitable shop manual for the class. factory, Clymer, Haynes; Chilton.
Do not wait until last minute to get a manual if you don't already own one.
If you go the electronic route and purchase it on pdf remember that it is necessary to have the manual with you for all classes and workshop dates. Either print it out [which could cost more than buying a manual] or bring your laptop. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs to your laptop at the workshops. Remember, this is a hands on class so your hands will be greasy, probably not the best scenario for operating a laptop but students have done this in the past....
Armen will go over all other materials you will need during the first lecture.
Complete the following and email it back to me so we can get the registration started...
First Name :
Last Name :
Motorcycle you plan on bringing to the workshop:
Email Address:
Home Phone :
Cell Phone :
Work Phone:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number :
Relationship to you:
As it stands now (the class has evolved much over the years), the class is 26 hours long. There are four, two-hour weeknight classroom sessions (eight hours total) in which I blather on about how engines, electrics and other bike parts work. The remaining 18 hours are split into three, six hour (with an hour for lunch) Sunday tune-up sessions, with myself and the talented and patient Chad Strohmayer offering much mechanical and some spiritual guidance.
Students do not have to own a bike. The bikes are not necessary for the classroom sessions, but should be brought in for the tune-up sessions.
Absolutely no experience is necessary- in fact less is better as much advice bikies get seems to be wrong (no matter how well intentioned).
Students will be provided with a shopping list of parts to buy (oils, filters, etc) and must purchase a shop manual.
NO TOOLS ARE REQUIRED- We provide the tools. In the tune-up sessions the students will progress at their own rate. They will be offered a long list of potential tasks, with the goal being that they perform the equivalent of a major service (tune-up) on their bikes. All brands, sizes and models of bikes are welcome, as are riders of all experience levels.
The weekday classroom sessions are in Manhattan. The Sunday tune-up sessions are held at Works Engineering in Williamsburg Brooklyn.
In a perfect world, the classes would run three times a year, (spring, summer, and fall) but sometimes the world is not so perfect.
Cost is $395 (no reg fee). Class size is limited.
(Such a deal!)
Contact Chad to register.
chadR90s@yahoo.com Fall 2011 Session:
Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm 10/6, 10/13, 10/23 & 10/27
Sundays 10am-5pm 10/16, 10/23 & 10/30
Feel free to e-mail me if you have any further questions.
Armen Amirian
Over the years the classes have been held at The New School, CUNY/City Tech College in Brooklyn, John Jay/CUNY, Trama's Auto School in Queens, Queens College, The Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center and probably a few places I forgot. Usually the name Knowhow Workshop was mentioned somewhere along in the course description, as that was the name of the school I started with. I give all that background in case someone mentions to you that they took a class way back when somewhere or other. As far as I know, these classes have been the only ones offered with any regularity for the last 32 years (ohmygod am I that old?).