A few weeks ago I asked for ideas to do road trip within Italy. At the time, my only rules were that I had to remain in Italy, spend under 500 euro and that I wasn't keen on camping. I said that if 5 or more people voted for the same place I would go. So after letting the post sit for a couple of days I got some really good suggestions from a bunch of members but didn't get the turnout I was expecting. No matter, the ideas were much appreciated.
It looked like the Amalfi coast was the top choice however, after giving it some thought, Amalfi would be dreadful to do in high season as it would be chock full of tourists.
Then I got the idea of Corsica. So my plans changed. I went outside of Italy, spent a little more than 500 euro and went camping. As a motorcyclist, a Ducatista, I don't think I could have chosen a better destination to spend a week. Yes, there were tourists there too but of a different sort and much less in number than I expected. Corsica offers a lot of outdoor activity while remaining relatively underdeveloped commercially with respect to Sardinia. In the end, I rode, swam and hiked everyday. It was fantastic.
Having just gotten back late Friday night, I'm still organizing my photos and videos but I have put up my first two blog posts from my trip which I invite you all to check out.
http://narrowlanes.net/2012/08/19/corsica-just-the-tip/http://narrowlanes.net/2012/08/19/corsica-west-coast-le-fango/I have another 3 posts on Corsica still to come, so do check back soon. Oh, and I did the Futa and Raticosa passes on the way back up to Milan and will have a post on those in the coming days.
Post 3 - Les Calanques. Make sure to scroll down for the video.
http://narrowlanes.net/2012/08/20/corsica-west-coast-les-calanques/**UPDATE 2**
Posts 4,5 - Gravona Valley and Scala di Santa Regina.
http://narrowlanes.net/2012/08/21/corsica-vallee-de-la-gravona/http://narrowlanes.net/2012/08/21/corsica-scala-di-santa-regina/**UPDATE 3**
Val Restonica