With the head filled with solder, just stab the wire into it, after you strip the insulator of course.
Then I used the table vice to give it a crimp. Then give it a quick heat to reset the solder, slap some dielectric grease on the whole copper head and slip a heat shrink wrapper around it and youre done.
A new starter cable for less than $10.00.
Now I just needed to finish up the wiring.
The right engine bay.
The looped wire is the oil temp sensor which will be attached to old sensor once I install it.the I’m going to tear apart those rear sets another day, bead blast them and give it a new shiny powercoat. Those were back when I first tried to powder coating. I didn’t know anything about outgassing then and there’s tons of orange peel as a result.
Almost wireless through the throttle body.
The left engine bay.
New taylor spark plug wires. These were a gift from my buddy Eric. Unfortunately they aren’t 90 degree boots, but they are free so I’m not complaining! I reused the S2R1000 valve cover so I could mount the oil cooler. I had to rerun the clutch line since I wanted to keep zipties off the frame. I still need frame plugs, and if you notice the udder isn’t mounted to the engine. The engine mounts were removed after the S2R series of bikes. I will need to pick up some steel sheets and cut out a tab to connect it to the rearset mount. Again the rearsets are coming off to get a new finish later so im not too concerned about how they look right now.
If you noticed the SSR offset GP shifter, youll also notice that I don’t have a toe cap on it. The e-clip fell off and the toe slider went with it. SSR wants $20 for the part since they only sell the nub and coushin as a set. I am just going to buy a rubber cork and cut one out.
The kickstand bolt is also a different thread from the old to new gen bikes. So the bike cant stand on her own 3 feet just yet.
The handle bar. Nothing new here.
I still need to powdercoat the risers, I didn’t think of it when I was doing the triples. There is a shop selling billet risers for $50 but they are total of 1.25” rise. I haven’t measured what the stock is, but if it isn’t more than ½” im going to pick them up instead. The steering damper needs to be serviced soon.
I’d also love to make new pee cup brackets. The stock ones look fugly. The center bar has a GPS mount and there’s a female usb port there. I can plug in any adapter and charge pretty much anything I want.
On the throttle is a cruise control device. All you do is use your fore finger to push it forward when you’re at speed, then the friction holds the throttle against the brake lever. Just roll off when u need to and youre back in normal mode. It’s better than the bar end ones and doesn’t mechanically interfere with the user and has absolutely 0 risk of getting stuck. My favorite cruise control device so far!
Theres Velcro on my gaguges to hold the EZPass and a new crack has developed on the lens. I’m going to get glass replacement lenses cut and installed later and maybe get those gauge facings ive wanted to print out.
I cant, for the life of me, get that lower baffle out! I’ve used all sorts of lube, even hit it with a MAPP torch and candle wax. That thing is IN there. I sanded the lip to get it smooth. I might have to take the exhaust out entirely and try to knock it out from the back end.
The rear end.
A view from the right. The rear wheel needs to get the powdercoat reapplied. Lots of knicks on it from the tire irons ive had to use to get an inside patch on my previous tires. My last tire had 5 of them! I might go at the udder with some steel wool and some WD40. If anyone notices there is no key hole for the seat, someone jammed the lock with a wood stick and I just took it off. I’m going to get one of those frame mounted helmet locks instead.
There’s a massive gap between the tail light and the seat. I actually need that gap because whenever a passenger sits down the seat flexes and if it was pressed up against the light, the mounting tabs on the light would break off. Its unsightly but there’s nothing I can do about that except bend the light upward to keep the same angle, but then the LEDs don’t work so well since they aren’t pointing at drivers eyes.
A view from the left. The starter cable is sticking out a bit, just need to tuck it in and ziptie it to the other wires. I am going to pick up a new sprocket hub to replace the god awful mess of that one. After 3 years of not cleaning it, the powder coat and road grime have become one. Not quite sure what color to pick. AEM makes a titanium colored one which is pretty bad ass looking. But I am broker than broke after paying for the motor and the tuning. I threw 3 threads onto the ride height bar to get the rear to sit up a little higher. When I get some more cash, the rear shock is going to get swapped out for an Penske shock.
All I need to do is wait for the dyno tuning and then I’m back on the road. This whole thing would of cost me under $2500. About the same cost to build the upper end of the motor with high comp pistons, bigger valves and all that other stuff. Guess I did get that big bore kit I always wanted!
Finnaly installed the S2R oil screen bolt. This bolt is threaded for oil temp probe for the gauges.
The oil coming out of here was extremely clean. This motor is essentially brand new. There was hardly anything on the oil screen.
With the sensor installed. You can also see the tabs i made hanging off the other side of the motor. They're for the exhaust. Just need some bolts later.
Now the left side of the motor needs to come off to get the timing gear replace. The reason it needs to be replace is because they are different and the ECUs are not the same for both motors, and unless I write a new line of code to make up for that sensor (which I will not even attempt to do), I can keep it simple and just swap gears. I can only hope that the gear is replaceable with my S2R1000 gear...
Feels like dejavue...
OH RIGHT..... catch 22 picture.
This is the left side of the motor. Notice all the light weight goodies.
This is the S2R1000 for comparison.
And for more comparison (because I know you folks LOVE pics), these are the two magneto,flywheel and sprag assemblies. The left is the old S2R and the new is the EVO.
The stacked height is also different.
There was also some metal filings from the first few miles of riding. There will be plenty more once she gets on the dyno.
The cases were also significantly lighter. The EVO uses a process that includes vacuum suction on the molds. This is the same as vacuum bagging carbon fiber. It makes a lighter and stronger casting, less porosity in the aluminum = stronger and thinner section. The difference in the left cover is easily close to a pound of lost mass with the alternator assembly in there as well.
It turns out the S2R1000 timing gear is not compatible with the EVO1100 motor. The only applicable replacements are the Magnetti Merrelli ECU timing gears for the 848/1098 and the HyperMotard. That means 2007-2009.
I paid a heft price for express shipping for one of the only 2 gears I could find on ebay....and I wasn't even home to get the package. But that was alright. It was the NFL kickoff week, so I got home pretty late anyway. Early next morning, i did end up getting the Russian Package...
One Box
Two Box!
Three box!
Four Box!
Install the gear as per standard instructions. Note all the things lining up.
If you do not have a way to lock the gear in place, it is suggested that you use a penny to jam the gears up.
It works pretty well for low torque values.
The idea is that the penny is soft and will jam the gears up but not cause any damage.
Then you line up the flywheel.
Use the same trick and stick a penny into the starter gear.
And then realize that if its too soft, the damn thing will PUNCH right through the penny. In hindsight, the penny should of been placed in a position where it is more likely to be pinched instead of punched.
This thing was fun to get out. The gear wouldn't pull out ,the flywheel nut was red loctited in and a total pain to remove. And then finality, the MAPP torch came out.
I like to mark it with some red locktite to let me know that in the future, I need heat to remove the nuts.
Close up the motor.
I'm using Permetex Sensor Safe Gasket Sealant. $10 bucks and I've used it on 4 bikes. works just as good as the duciati OEM stuff.
Once it cures, just cut it off. Clean up is really simple.
Of course the signification of any job being done, is to finally pouring some oil in and starting her up!
Then, all of a sudden, a giant flash of light illuminates my garage. There is a horrible sound and smoke everywhere... an underground transformer zapped itself.
And Behind me, in the distance, are the twin tower lights, in memory of those who have fallen.
In a strange twist of fate. As i am writing this blog right now. It is 238am.
The bike fires up and runs off the DS1000 ECU!!!! shes ALIVE!!! I would normally be very excited to get the dyno tune done tomorrow in one shot...
but... the machine life cycle kicked in.
My van wont hold an idle and dies under load.
I am pretty sure it is the Fuel Filter being clogged or a dying fuel pump.
Ive poured a lot of sweat and time into doing this ASAP. It hasnt even been 3 weeks yet. And I'm stuck, still without a bike. And I am getting less and less time since school and work is really starting to take up my time. It looks like itll be another month before I can even ride because I have no time to fix the car and get the bike up to the shop to get tuned....
Update: The Van's intake throttle position sensor went to shit.
Repair time 1 week. I Rescheduled for next week, but i have an exit exam for my engineering degree + work + 21 hours at school = no time at all. And this bike was suppose to save me time commuting! its costing me time working on it!