Any tall ( 6'5" ) 1098 riders on the Forum ?

Started by DoubleEagle, June 28, 2008, 08:43:55 PM

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I have a problem being able to see more than 50 feet in front of me unless I cock my head back against the back of my nedk. It is very uncomfortable on my 1098 R to be riding this way constantly. I know I can get a pair of Helibar Risers and I hope they will make enough of a difference. Sometimes I ride w/ just one hand and I can sit more upright but that isn't a good alternative . I do that just for a short time to give my neck a rest or ride w/ the tips of my fingers on the grips but that isn't a good idea at all so I don't do it but for a few seconds. Anyother ideas anyone until I get the bar risers ?
'08 Ducati 1098 R    '09 BMW K 1300 GT   '10 BMW S 1000 RR

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