G'day guys, my name is Mick, I am from Melbourne, Australia & I currently ride a Yamaha TRX850.
For those of you unfamiliar with it, it a trellis framed parallel twin with a 270 degree crank, sometimes called a Japcati, or poor mans Ducati, or even a Reliable Ducati...
That's it over there
Ducati ownership is inevitable (long black normally, the odd strong Latte, thanks for asking), I grew up on the back of my old mans MH900, many fond memories of that, including him starting it without any exhausts
From that moment on the twin rumble was always exiting, the first time I saw a TRX in the flesh I heard him coming in the car, he split past me two up & I remember thinking "That's not a Ducati..."
A Sport Classic in Tri-colore with a full fairing would certainly not go astray, but that's not why I'm here.
My wife also rides & she has her heart set on a Monster.
I am unfamiliar with the model lineage & easily confused, so I'll be asking around for some idea, recommendations, etc.
Then, obviously, it'll be up to me to keep it running... So I'll probably be around a bit
Cheers, Mick.