Knee down is a feeler gauge and by product of lean angle and body position. Work on the things the track instructors sre saying and it will happen by itself. Good luck.
I just got my first 1 piece. second ride in it today, getting used to getting my knees out instead of being tucked. I was in a nice long smooth sweeper on Angeles Crest Highway in LA today and got my knee down for the first time. I wasn't thinking about it. I just had it out and was focused on the turn, body position, looking through the turn, and "crrrssshhhhtt" knee down!
On public roads, yes, tisk tisk, but traffic in that area after a turn off is non existent besides other rides (times 10 on non-weekends).
Don't TRY to get your knee down. hang of the bike, stick ur leg out, focus on the turn, and it'll happen.