Hi Looking for a few Monster 620 2006 parts or recommendation where the cheapest place in Aus, US, EU, etc to get these parts from.
824.1.023.1AB L.H. foot peg holder plate
360.1.035.1A Handlebar
agree with Rob on this, just keep an eye on eBay... left hand side foot brackets come up reasonably often.. don't forget that ones off a 695 will go on there as well (though they'll be black). Another option would be some rearsets
.. like these rizoma ones..
<Clickity>I've got a left hand side one here in Sydney, though it has been blasted and sprayed black.
If you're after a new bar I'd suggest grabbing a renthal bar
<CLICKITY> or any other 22mm (7/8in) bar for that matter... or just scrap the bars altogether and go to clipons.
If you're a newer rider then perhaps getting a renthal bar and some bar risers at the same time might help (will allow you to keep or even maximise your steering lock).
Watch out when you're replacing your bar that you get the position holes for your controls in the right spot.. it can be a real PITA to get right.