I am only getting about 35 mpg which I know I can be doing better. I have about 15000 on it now. And I'm pretty sure that they are the original needle jets. I need to take them out and find out for sure though.
They'll be the problem for sure. FactoryPro (the jetkit manufacturer) say not to bother trying to tune a bike with more than 5000miles on the needle jets 'cause you'll never get it to work right. If I was you I'd just order a pair and stick them in (in fact, I'm gonna order a pair myself 'cause mines not running badly yet, but has dropped down over 6L/100km (~40mpg) which is a sure sign they're on the way out).
I have taken them out before, the weren't exactly needle point on the tip. Should they be?
Wrong end - you're talking about the needles, and no, they're not sharp at the tips. The needle _jets_ are the brass tubes those needles run in. You get at them from the opposite side of the carbs.
How would covering the airbox make it run better. Wouldn't that make it run richer?
Yep, he's suggesting that it might be running lean, in which case covering the airbox will richen it up enough so you notice it running better, but if it's already running rich, covering the airbox will confirm this by making it run worse.
Can you get away with replacing the gasket without removing the engine.
I've seen pics of it being done, but I've not done it myself so I'm not sure how fiddly it is... (Brad Black tells me you can replace the needle jets without removing the carbs, but I'm pretty sure that's impossible if you've got hands as big (and clumsy) as mine.)