Team UnorthoDUX Ducati based land-speed racers New pic pg 19!

Started by Duck-Stew, December 18, 2012, 05:55:51 AM

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2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

Updates: We're going racing (assuming the weather works out)!

Started prepping for this year. Sent in my entry a couple of weeks ago! The team has all got their shots, so that risk is managed as well as possible.

Front suspension - I'm keeping the basic design for this year, but going with some usefully tunable shocks/springs.
Fuel tank - Make a etter one that doesn't have sharp edges near the tire.
Tires - Dunslops because I can get them in Daytona medium+ compound and they aren't impossible to order.
Exhaust - Add some megaphones so it isn't blasting my feet.
Shifter - Something that isn't what I did last time.
Maintenance - Injectors cleaned, fuel line replaced, 5 gallons of oil, etc.
Logging - Added some tiny tech to bluetoothily log some info on my phone, maybe add either EGT or O2 sensors.
Maybe a front fender...

Put the bike in the back of a little truck to tow up and be the chase vehicle...


Great to hear mate. Keep us informed. Maybe Lake Gardiner one day. [thumbsup]
2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

New shocks and springs seem good. Once I get the tires on, I'll talk more about that situation.


2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

Okay, so we passed tech with our brand new pressure regulator yesterday, had to do a quick fix for something they just noticed. No big deal, and we'll have a real fix for next year.

Once I figure out how my phone works I'll post pics.

First run today went mostly okay... Until about the 3/4 Mile marker when it just went flat and had no power and wouldn't stay running.

Barely got it clear of the course.

Speedo stopped working, got to about 9k in second, shifted to third and everything got worse, so I turned out.

Took it back to a place to look it over, and noticed the nut was missing from the horizontal coil. Put one on, but there was still a bunch of salt in the area.

Noticed the oil was pretty milky, so decided to go back and make a pit again to troubleshoot and deal with the water oil.


2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

Fresh oil. Swarf on the cam sensor was causing issues with the sensing.

Got that mostly sorted except for the gasket goop for the water pump housing. Pick up some of that in the morning, give it an hour to cure, add water, and send it.

Dirty Duc

(really check that I fixed it, then wait in line for a long time, then try to send it)


2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

Ugh. Sending was not in the cards.

I don't know why that ve map is the one that I loaded. I had to start over from where I started in 2018. I really should have added o2 sensors and exhaust length.

Luckily I seem to have fixed all the mechanical problems.

We'll keep trying until it's time to go home.

Dirty Duc

Well... let's see. A bit of weinerstomping while loading the bike at the end of Monday ended with a hole in the oil filter. Ordered one at the local carquest, then drove to SLC (1.5 hours each way) to get one.

Fresh oil and I start playing with the computer trying to get it to run right. Oh look, the fuel pressure is inconsistent and starts going away as the pump gets HOT to the touch. Back to the phones, and we find a pump in SLC. Head out in the morning to pick it up.

The fittings are the wrong size. Surely I could go to a hydraulic store or a performance store and just pick up an appropriate adapter? No. M10 to AN-6 is non-standard for hydraulics so they were 4 days out, and the only place in all of SLC that sold performance parts got bought two weeks ago and no longer sells go-fast goodies.

Fine. We head back to the salt to try cleaning and lubing the pump to get at least one full run out of it. No dice. Maybe we can jam a 5/16" hose barb into this 1/4" hose? Nope. Packed up and came home yesterday.

Not a total bust. I think I have fixed the front suspension, it worked well over the crusty salt when I turned out the first run at about 80 or so. Got through tech pretty swimmingly. Met the guy who just set up a dyno shop in town.

Things to do for next year: front fender, megaphones and O2 sensors for the exhaust, install a real front sprocket cover, dyno time.

Arriving on the salt

First pit setup

Oil filter carnage

Obligatory start line shot

Obligatory shot with crew chief

Obligatory empty salt shot


Bugger. [bang]

You're gonna love that local dyno shop. It will be money well spent.
2015 Scrambler 800

Dirty Duc

Yeah, it'll be nice to solve some problems before trailering for 850 miles. We did have tasty  [bacon].

Dirty Duc

Dyno day is May 28th!

Fuel pump
Extend the exhaust
O2 sensors
Rear tire (change it to a throw-away)
Different gears
Get fuel

Anybody hiding a stash of Champion RG59Vs?