What happened? Crash..

Started by TealCandy, December 28, 2012, 03:48:45 AM

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So the great debate in my household was once again brought up today.. I crashed about 8 months back, still a little unsure of what happened. My mate instantly said it was due to the wet and going too fast, I think it was oil.. Just sharing to grab some opinions.

2016 1299 S Panigale, not a monster but still a monster ;)


Low speed high side off my 620 a few months back. I flew and bike stayed. Opposite your accident. Glad you're ok. I hit a small puddle and that did it.  Also, the (no) traction on the old front tire may have been also been to blame?  Did you possibly hit the paint in road?
2018 Scrambler 800 "Argento"
2010 Monster 1100 "Niro" 
2003 Monster 620 "Scuro"

Quote from: bobspapa on May 29, 2011, 08:09:57 AMThis just in..IZ is not that short..and I am not that tall.


Se ya over in riding techniques.
half fast

Kev M

The answer, 100%   no argument is...

...you ran out of traction.

Current Fleet

18 Guzzi V7III
16 FLHP (Police RK)
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11 M696


I saw this posted somewhere a few months back?

It is hard to tell in videos but it seems to me from the video it was a case of not riding to the conditions.


Quote from: IZ on December 28, 2012, 04:14:36 AM
Low speed high side off my 620 a few months back. I flew and bike stayed. Opposite your accident. Glad you're ok. I hit a small puddle and that did it.  Also, the (no) traction on the old front tire may have been also been to blame?  Did you possibly hit the paint in road?

Likewise mate, the front wheel was definitely the one that brought me down, I had originally though oil but probably not

Quote from: Twizted on December 28, 2012, 05:13:06 AM
I saw this posted somewhere a few months back?

It is hard to tell in videos but it seems to me from the video it was a case of not riding to the conditions.

Only ever been on youtube unless you've come across it on netrider, think my mate posted it up. Thanks I agree, should have been going much slower.

Quote from: Ducatamount on December 28, 2012, 04:25:02 AM
Se ya over in riding techniques.


Quote from: Kev M on December 28, 2012, 05:05:59 AM
The answer, 100%   no argument is...

...you ran out of traction.


Guess so lol, thanks.

2016 1299 S Panigale, not a monster but still a monster ;)


It doesn't look like you are doing anything too aggressive. I ride like that in those conditions all the time.  How long had you been riding that session when you fell? Cold Tires?
2007 Ducati Monster S4RT
2006 Ducati Monster S2R800 Dark [sold]


Quote from: Heath on December 28, 2012, 07:01:55 AM
Cold Tires?

This has always driven me crazy. If you are riding so fast on the STREET that you have to worry about your tires being "heated up" you are flat out riding too fast ON THE STREET.

Just my thoughts.


I ride a GS scooter with my hair cut neat.

Pete Townshend

2009 M1100 72,000+ miles- and climbing
2015 Suzuki TU250X 13,000+ miles GONE!


How long since tires were changed? Hard rubber can do that.
You did seem to have very little lean angle, from the camera view.

Bill in OKC

Interesting that you have a video of it - I've never had the opportunity to replay my wrecks but wish I did.  It looks like the street was wet, recent rain.  How long had it been raining?  Around here auto oil drips and exhaust, rubber, coolant will build up over long periods of dry.  Then when it finally does rain the first hour or so all the accumulated fluids will wash up and make the roads very slick until it has rained enough to rinse the roads clean again.  I watched to see if you might have touched the front brake but couldn't tell from the video.  I am very light on the front brake in fresh rain and diesel spills etc.  Tire condition as mentioned plays into it too.  Proper inflation, condition of the tread and rubber - that is hard to know.  I had a wreck very similar to that and I've been extra careful in the rain ever since.
'07 S4Rs  '02 RSVR  '75 GT550  '13 FXSB  '74 H1E  '71 CB750


to me it looks like you were steering into the turn instead of counter steering.

not sure if that was the cause of the traction loss or not but working against the bike's nature when traction is already limited can lead to unpredictable results.
My fast lap is your sighting lap.

Triple J

Quote from: Bill in OKC on December 28, 2012, 09:58:18 AM
It looks like the street was wet, recent rain.  How long had it been raining? 

This looks like it to me. Recent rain after a period of dry = very slick roads. Also looked like you were going a bit too fast, but not excessive...could just be the video perspective too.

Quote from: Mhanis on December 28, 2012, 07:53:04 AM
This has always driven me crazy. If you are riding so fast on the STREET that you have to worry about your tires being "heated up" you are flat out riding too fast ON THE STREET.

Not true. Even street tires need to warm up a bit, especially if they're supersport tires (i.e. Pilot Powers). They don't need to warm up like a race tire does, but a cold street tire does have less grip than a warm one.

He Man

just a little bit of comedy, but when the guy asks are you okay, you go

"im fine, have me jacket on!!!"

ok, back on topic.
Weather looks like it was a quick shower and it was really humid? When was the last time it rained>
How may miles are on those tires? 
Is it fine grain asphalt that you are riding on?

Usually on super fine asphalt, they make it smooth so its quiet to drive on, but a flash rain will cause it to be SUEPR slick since the water soaks ina nd pulls the oils to the surface and it sits on top. To me, you are riding to fast for those kinda just rained conditions.
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

Check out my Latest Video! 05/13/2017 :


^What he asked.^

Since your ok and all...im glad you crashed on film so we can have the opertunity to disect it!!  (wish i had my lowside on tape >:()

Also fresh pavement is slick with oil (tar is a petroleum product after all) 

Im not going to tell you you were riding too fast because I know my gopro videos are misleading esp when its set to the fast frame rate.  (and I drive that fast if not faster)

As for the tire being warm/cold...thats still a legit concern on the street.  My 696 had a BT054 on it, and if the temp was below 50, it would do roll-on burnouts in 1st just by whacking the throttle.  So I wouldnt count out cold hard rubber+wet road+speed...

No matter what, glad your here to talk about it!
2011 Monster 796 ABS

CW/evotech tail tidy, lightwereks integrated tail light, CRG Arrow bar end mirrors, Duc.ee solenoid eliminator & 696 midpipe, sans charcoal canister, pileon grab bars, Arrow Dark slipons (sans dB killers), Rizoma Zero11's, Rizoma Lux grips, Rizoma rearsets, Rizoma gas cap, 1098R Ohlins forks, IMA Triples, Galfer wave rotors, Brembo radial masters, Rizoma reservoirs, Ohlins DU737, Rizoma bars, 15t AFAM front and 41t supersprox rear sprocket with EK MVXC chain.

Slide Panda

Quite hard to tell due to the position of the camera - bit it looks like you might have chosen a poor line. There's an area to the right, near the center at that runs through the course of that turn, that appears to be the outer edge of where the auto tires have been running. In cases like that the autos push all the crap towards the outer edge. So that strip would be wetter and have more crud, oil, etc etc than the sections where the car tires had been running.

Can't really tell if you hit that or were still in the car tracks.
-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.