[POSTPONED - SYD & Surrounds] Social Ride (North) Sunday 3rd March 2013

Started by Betty, February 06, 2013, 05:07:04 PM

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Some of you may remember us doing group rides in the past ... well I thought we should do another one.

My plan is to head north (obviously) ... I was planning on starting at Pie in the Sky, Cowan and finishing at Mount White Cafe (via say Paxton Pub for lunch).

According to Google Maps this is only about 300kms from Berowra to Berowra ... so not that long. Partly because of this it is planned to be a relatively late start. So if you have to back home before your husband gets out of bed, must take your cockatoo for birthday brunch or have your ritual flagellation completed by a certain time ... sorry this may not be for you. It is a social ride ... for lunch ... in the Hunter.

The plan:

  • Fill your bike @ Berowra (fuel supply is sporadic & questionable 'out there' and you don't want to be pushing)
  • Meet @ Pie in the Sky around 10:00 or earlier if you wish (I know some people need to drug up pre-ride and others hate waiting at servos)
  • Depart around 10:30
  • Lunch at Paxton Pub (I will not be making any bookings or checking the menu or duty chef beforehand)
  • Re-fuel before Freeman's Waterhole (about 160km from Berowra ... if this is a problem for anyone we may need to discuss alternatives)
  • Take the tortured path back to Mount White where the ride will conclude ... kinda sorta

Most of the proposed path is not in bad condition. Some of the roads are a bit bumpy in parts, some tight and some tight & twisty ... but on the whole not too bad. The trip up Bumble Hill is a bit rough, but is only short. If you simply must be home early to iron your wife's apron, lecture the kids on safe sex or administer drugs to your poodle ... it is possible (and generally simple) to head for the F3 and shoot off at a couple of points ... or skip lunch, return from Wollombi or whatever.

Now as most of you know I am as slow as the proverbial 'wet week' so I don't expect to be 'leading' the ride ... and besides there is no guarantee I wouldn't get you lost anyway. I will, however, lead if you so wish or I can instruct any self-appointed lead.

I would ask that normal 'pace' style etiquette applies in the legendary OzMo spirit. In addition I find it comforting and good form to slow down on some of those boring straight bits to ensure your following rider is still alive and on the righteous path - it shouldn't effect your ego too much and it may just help a fellow OzMo feel better on the bike.

Oh and while I am carrying on like a self-absorbed dickhead ... a word about bringing your mates (particularly if they are not riding Monsters): explain to them how we like to ride as a group (if you need help understanding this - ask!). I can recall at least 4 occasions in the past where people have become lost, confused or both ... predominantly because of people filtering through the group and disappearing into the distance - particularly the case if said rider is unfamiliar and on a funny looking bike.

So just to re-cap, if anybody is still interested:
Group Ride
Sunday 3rd March
Meet @ 10:00 for a 10:30 start from PITS Cowan

* If you intend to incorporate your flagellation into the day please ensure you have appropriate permission from any of your OzMo brethren beforehand.
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Betty i have one Question for you  :D

Why is called PITS? :-\

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Did you actually want people to come along  ???
Most of us do know your sense of humor but there seems to be a lot of "I" in your invite to a group ride.

Can you give us a better idea on the roads/direction you wish to take, we see depart from PITS and lunch at Paxton Pub.
If you wanna flick some roads at me I'll do some google mapping so people can see a map of the proposed route.



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Quote from: mattyvas on February 07, 2013, 02:35:18 AM
Did you actually want people to come along  ???

;D That was the general idea ... and why I used the words group ride and asked if anybody was interested ;)

Quote from: mattyvas on February 07, 2013, 02:35:18 AM
Most of us do know your sense of humor

:o I've never really been sure of that :-[

Quote from: mattyvas on February 07, 2013, 02:35:18 AM
Can you give us a better idea on the roads/direction you wish to take

Well I did have it all mapped out but didn't know if anyone would be interested ... or if "they" might be watching. If I can't get a link to post up ... I'll get in contact, thanks.
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So ... is anybody interested in a gentle cruise through the countryside?

Apologies for any confusion.
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I know bumblebee hill rd well - my sister lives in Yarramalong. bumpy indeed!

Can't commit at the moment Betty, family commitments need to be checked, but lemme see what I can do.

Two dogs

Thanks for organising an Ozmo group ride Mark ,if I am not working I will come along , I will not know my roster
until closer to the date.


Past Bikes -

Current -


I will do my best, the map looks good.
There are a few things going on for that time, work included.


If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: Dockstrada on February 08, 2013, 12:21:50 AM
I don't know how you can say thet Matty, where's the dirt!  [roll]

I drew a big blue circle around it for you.
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If I don't ride the Eye-talian bike it might never talk to me again.

Two dogs

Mark if I may   ;)
10.00 start = a really long day ,
I gather you like a....... good Sunday sleep in  ;)  cup o tea in bed with Jullie
bit of yoga , BBQ B&E rolls on the patio ,a good read of the financial times [coffee]  , bit of gardening  a quick spit n polish of the bike collection then a leisuerly jaunt down to PITS nice n easy. [cheeky]

If you pushed it forward to an earlier time it may open up to more riders that would like to get home in time
for family commitments etc.
Just a thought...... ........ .......  ;)

P.S. Rode past your house today gave a few blasts on the horn
Friday ride with Paul up to McMasters for a free Teff breaky on the balcony of the surf club  ;D

Teff mid hang up call on Rob [laugh]


Quote from: Two dogs on February 08, 2013, 03:51:32 AM
Mark if I may   ;)
10.00 start = a really long day ,

It doesn't really ... besides, any earlier and we would be too early for lunch. I can handle early starts (I'm used to that) - but the Boss ... not so much. There has been enough times where we have had to get up at 4 to make some stupidly early kick-off waaay down south just so we can be at the furthest point just in time for the really shit weather to kick in. So just maybe there is a few people that would be equally put off by an earlier start [cheeky]

Quote from: Two dogs on February 08, 2013, 03:51:32 AM
P.S. Rode past your house today gave a few blasts on the horn

Got a call from Julie at work today ... I said "aren't you meant to be sleeping" (she is on the night shift). Her reply: "I was but some dickhead came past blowing their horn and then I couldn't get back to sleep" [roll]
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