I think the joints are tight enough, and held by springs and clamps properly. But of course since it is a metal to metal fit, there may be leaking gaps. I will have to check carefully for leaks there.
I need to remove the pipes for service, so that these guys here don't screw my warranty!
I live in Tamilnadu, South India
Ok, so, your warranty is voided if they see the exhaust YOU installed? Do they enforce such tight restrictions? Someday from you will get tired of installing/un-installing those pipes and you will ride the bike like it is right now; or, one of the guys at the dealership will see the bike with exhausts.
I live in Tamilnadu, South India > OK, please, ride the bike checking your temperature, if it runs within range, then the ECU is adjusting accordingly; then if you want, just to test, install the K&N filter, remember, DO NOT use octane boosters that are not O2 sensor safe, this, just in case you are planning or using octane booster or any other fuel additive, even better, stop using them.
If when you install the K&N filter, you see that the temperature stays in the upper range and popping is constant, revert to your OEM filter. This means the ECU is not able to adjust for the extra amount of air coming in.
If I am wrong in something, please, someone chime in . . .