[SYD & Surrounds] Social Ride (North) Sunday 5th May 2013 ... Take 2

Started by Betty, April 02, 2013, 07:28:07 PM

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Great day, great ride and great company.... Nice to meet all those I hadn't met before. Thanks Betty for organising and again andy for looking after the rear of the pack. Hopefully we can do it more often! I'll post some of the pics I took later on
'06 S4RS
'05 Monster 620


Thanks Betty and Jukie was a nice day and the run back from paxton pub was new to me and very good.
Betty you set a good pace fast enough with the amount of  [leo] patroling.

Here's a few snaps of the usual suspects call 000 crime stoppers  if you recognize any one  [laugh]
Will post the rest of the pictures on ozmo flickr

The lunch menu looked good

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Yep. Top day ! Had a really nice time.Good catching up as well and meeting the new dudes !Can we organize another one real soon ? ;D  [Dolph]  [bacon]  [bow_down]  [drink]  [wine]  [cheeky]  [clap]   [drool]  [thumbsup]
I got a monster and i aint afraid to use it !

Tiger Terrrific

Well done guys - great to meet everyone and an excellent day.

Riding around in a pack of monsters - what could be better - Cheers !


Quote from: Rob s on May 05, 2013, 02:18:47 AM
Here's a few snaps of the usual suspects call 000 crime stoppers  if you recognize any one  [laugh]

Don't ring 000 for Crimestoppers ... its 1800 333 000 (oh and what if one of those that your recognise answers the phone?)

Shhh ... don't tell anyone  [leo]
Believe post content at your own risk.


Great day, great ride and great company. Thanks Betty for organising, Hopefully we can do it more often.

Two dogs

Thanks everybody for a good ride. I know I wasn't too fast for anybody so I hope I wasn't toooo slow.

Seriously Mark ..........you were not slow at all , in fact it was  near perfect pace.
And I enjoyed tailing you through the corners South on the Old road back to the Cafe (your virtual driveway )
Nice form through the corners mate at a brisk pace.

Great day and happily no carnage thanks to all for a day of Monster Mc lovin . :-*

Bloody Rob and that camera ............add yet another dodgy photo to the forum of yours truly .
And the photo of the kitchen staff Rob S .....aka......DOM  [bang] [laugh]


A huge thank you from all to Brian for the fantastic weather.  [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
Thank to Mr [leo] for not booking anyone.
And thanks to all, a great ride day...
Past Bikes -

Current -


Quote from: rendang on May 05, 2013, 01:38:06 AM
thanks Julie for keeping us in line !

[laugh]  It's easier to be the aloof commander (a la James May's Captain Slow) when your drill sargeant keeps the troops in line. Love your work kiddo.

Quote from: Two dogs on May 05, 2013, 03:37:39 PM
And I enjoyed tailing you through the corners South on the Old road back to the Cafe (your virtual driveway )
Nice form through the corners mate at a brisk pace.

Ahh so you were the one I had to keep slowing down for  ;) ;D

It is an enjoyable little section of road  [evil]

Quote from: Mishka on May 05, 2013, 04:10:53 PM
A huge thank you from all to Brian for the fantastic weather.  [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Yes much appreciated Brian ... although you did have the weather forecasters confused all week  [thumbsup]
Believe post content at your own risk.


Quote from: Two dogs on May 05, 2013, 03:37:39 PM

Thanks everybody for a good ride. I know I wasn't too fast for anybody so I hope I wasn't toooo slow.

Seriously Mark ..........you were not slow at all , in fact it was  near perfect pace.
And I enjoyed tailing you through the corners South on the Old road back to the Cafe (your virtual driveway )
Nice form through the corners mate at a brisk pace.

I thought the pace was great too. I was behind Mark heading north on the old road, right at the beginning of the day and was thinking to myself "I thought they said this guy was slow...!"

Thanks all for a great day riding & special thanks to Jukie and Rendang for making a newbie feel welcome.
06 S2R 800
05 620


Was a good. Day  Maybe next one up the blue
Mountains does any one know of good roads
You go on up that way.


Next ride should be Lithgow for morno, Jenolan Caves for lunch in June and be called the bass monkey blue balls????
Past Bikes -

Current -


Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT

Two dogs

Quote from: Betty on May 05, 2013, 04:16:37 PM
[laugh]  It's easier to be the aloof commander (a la James May's Captain Slow) when your drill sargeant keeps the troops in line. Love your work kiddo.

Ahh so you were the one I had to keep speeding up for  ;) ;D there fixed it for you Mark [cheeky]

It is an enjoyable little section of road  [evil]

Yes much appreciated Brian ... although you did have the weather forecasters confused all week  [thumbsup]


People The rest of the pictures , loaded on Flick'r [thumbsup]

 Link    >    http://flic.kr/s/aHsjEYJSUZ


Previous rides link  >  http://flic.kr/ps/x5cYk

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015