So we don't have much motivation (or time) to be involved in yet another club.
That's my biggest reason for not joining (or re-joining, I got signed up for free by Frasers when I bought my bike back in '99, but never re-enrolled). I don't have enough time to ride with the friends I've already got, never mind making new riding friends.
Another, smaller but still important reason, I've grown cautious over the years of riding in large groups - I've "wasted" way to much riding time waiting for other people to fuel up, eat, piss, smoke, fix their bike, chat on the phone, whatever - somehow larger groups _always_ take way more extra time to do anything, even when you allow for the fact that you know they're going to take way more time. My personal preference is riding in a group of 4-8 bikes. Any more than that and I almost always end up frustrated by _something_. Larger groups that naturally break down into 4-8 bike sub groups work OK for me (so long as I'm not "in charge" of the larger group), but mass rides of 20 or 30 bikes are just not my cup of tea.