So did a few mods to the S2r over the winter and thought I'd show it off!
I was pretty much where I wanted to be with the 620 and shifted my focus to the other bike.
Here's the 620 with all it's carbon goodness:
and here's the s2r before:
We had gotten some cool new parts in at and so I just had to throw them on the bike!!
Parts list:
Speedymoto crankshaft cover
Evotech frame sliders
Oberon slave cylinder
Rizoma sprocket cover
Rizoma rearsets
Ducabike rear sprocket hub cover
Rizoma belt covers
Rizoma star pressure plate
Rizoma clutch cover
Rizoma fluid reservoirs
Rizoma grips
Rizoma spy R mirrors
Motodynamics integrated taillight
Lowering link
powdercoated spring
powdercoated swingarm
I think that's it right now lol
Def more things coming soon though!!!