When a bunch of us used to ride SBK's back in the late 80's on our favorite mountain and hill roads in rural NJ and PA, we left quite early on Sundays when the roads were empty, but curtailed the "play" after a late breakfast or early lunch, as the
were out in force by noonish. That was fine. The downside of early morning rides in March/April and October/November is some scary wildlife. You've been riding for 30 years, so you'll have had a few encounters. Two of my riding pals and I have had your pal's injury or broken shoulders from deer. Mine was "only" a cracked shoulder blade, and back then I healed fast!
Here in Central VA, I ride mostly during the week and the roads between my garage and the Blue Ridge Parkway are pretty clear. Most are well maintained and wooded and quite entertaining. I see the occasional Sheriff or Trooper, but it's rare, touch wood. I carry a "lucky charm" (interesting credentials) for emergencies and prefer NOT to have to use it.
In Central VA, outside of towns, the
are quite tolerant as long as you're not doing anything stupid. 80 in a 55 is still an UGLY ticket though.
The Parkway is Federal (NPS, no BLM), so that's to be avoided.
On a three day weekend, Sundays are empty roads around here as the lemmings head to the beach or touristy areas in the mountains, so I'm fine on the local loops. Monday is another matter!