Well I guess this is it

Started by Anthony81586, June 09, 2013, 10:08:55 PM

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So after a few short riding seasons in New England my bike is totaled. Let me start with where it all began. (in other words Tarentino it)

I grew up around bikes,  HD mostly, my dad always had one growing up. I was familiar with that type of ride and lifestyle. All though I love and admire HD it just never really "fit" me.

I joined the marine corps in 2004 and met a good friend of mine whom I'm still really close with. He introduced me to Italian bikes,  he got an aprilia motard style bike (can't remember the name of it). I was a noobie with riding but loved bikes. Of course I've heard of the ducati brand but it always seemed unattainable. My buddy trades his "ape" for an early 2000's 998, absolutely gorgeous bike,  but still not the right "fit". So I started checking into ducatis lineup and they're it was, the Monster line. Now understand I had never owned a bike before and had not gone to the MSF course nor was I licensed, but I knew exactly what I wanted.

So I never pulled the trigger and got one until my 4th and final deployment which was to Afghanistan and I decided that I was going to put a down payment on a 796 that'd be waiting for me when I  got home. Well I gave my impulse some thought and retracted my down payment as I was finishing up my enlistment and moving from my San Diego duty station back to Connecticut. I decided it would be best to go used and get some years riding. One stipulation was that it had to be a monster.

Fast forward 2 years to 2012.

I pulled the trigger. Found a beautiful 2003 flat-back m620. It had 1,800 miles on it and I got it from the guy for $2,500. It had the "ducati dent"  on one side but was otherwise stock and beautiful.  I was able to put about 2k miles on it in a couple of short months after competing the MSF and practicing in a local parking lot. I had the belts changed and the oil changed I also had the bike looked over by a dealer to make sure I was safe.

I was in love.

Unfortunately, I did have to throw the bike down once after quickly learning how people never see us bikers. I was hyper-vigilant when I rode and always wore full face helmet,  leather riding jacket, boots and jeans.

So here I am today, laid up in the hospital after only putting on a few hundred miles this season. I was going westbound on route 66 in Columbia, CT and there was a 7-eleven on my right. Now I always prepare for "quick turners"  and sure enough I see a guy coming eastbound start but then stops/hesitates,  so I'm slowing (around 35-40 mph) and according to the report he decides to "gun it"  because "I thought I could beat him". Well with no time to react I can't aim for the hood or trunk and smash the passenger side door (deploying the air  bag) and was (luckily) flung over the car for about 20-25ft (this is all according to reports as I don't fully remember) and happen to break my right lower leg (both Tib and fib) on the car as I went over it. I impacted on my face and went unconscious. I come to with a bunch of people assisting me and prepping me for the ambulance on its way (the people treating me were off duty or training EMT's,  luckily). I get one of the guys to call my wife and let her know I'm being brought to Hartford hospital.

Well needless to say my monster was totaled and I have a broken leg (now with a rod in the tib), broke both hands, my right wrist,  right elbow, my C6 vertebrae is compressed and fractured, a partially collapsed lung,  a contusion on my heart, I had a testicle go up inside me and possibly twist, stitches and a concussion. Most importantly though my 6-week old daughter still has her daddy thanks to my helmet (which is optional in CT).

Now the first thing I said was that I'm done riding motorcycles and don't misunderstand me,  I am NOT  blaming the bike for this. However,  the dangers posed by other drivers are just to high for me. Plus,  to be honest,  I might even be to scared to get back on and ride again, let alone the experience has probably ruined the fun and lore biking has for me.

So ends my motorcycle and more specific ducati monster love affair. Now I'm sure many of you have experienced wrecks and have come back but this is my experience as of now. I know this thread is long and serves no purpose except to tell my story, but maybe some of you can relate and maybe it'll spark I good conversation.

Ps - I'm using tapatalk and don't know how to attach photo's from my phone or I'd post some of my helmet and me laid up.
2003 Ducati Monster 620


Glad your alive. Sorry about your testicle.


Quote from: hbliam on June 09, 2013, 11:31:35 PM
Glad your alive. Sorry about your testicle.

Oh god,  let me update. Testicle was just recessed. It was massaged back into place, has had no swelling or bleeding.
2003 Ducati Monster 620


Quote from: Anthony81586 on June 09, 2013, 11:38:17 PM
Oh god,  let me update. Testicle was just recessed. It was massaged back into place, has had no swelling or bleeding.

At least you got it massaged.  :) Hope you heal up quick. And get a lawyer.


Working on the lawyer part. Hopefully all the medical bills are taken care of,  it's going to be a hefty bill.
2003 Ducati Monster 620


glad you are alive.

bastards like that driver should be charge with attempted murder or something. that's not an accident, that's trying to kill someone. THEN people would start paying attention to us riders.


Quote from: Raux on June 10, 2013, 12:59:04 AM
glad you are alive.

bastards like that driver should be charge with attempted murder or something. that's not an accident, that's trying to kill someone. THEN people would start paying attention to us riders.

Its just unfortunate because now something I thoroughly enjoyed is now tainted at best of not completely ruined.

I mean an accident is just that, an accident. We all have made stupid decisions behind the wheel and its simply because of one word, complacency. Everyone drives and its on such a regular basis that we take the risks and dangers for granted. Not just what can happen to us but what we are capable of doing.

Maybe if more accidents were reported on and the victims (alive or dead) were able get a "human" factor added in instead of the so impersonal "victim"  title. I realize privacy issues are involved here but I'm talking very broad and rough ideas here.
2003 Ducati Monster 620


Hey sorry about your accident. Glad you are going to be okay. I know exactly were you got. I live in Cromwell and have ridden on 66 in that area. Hope you have a quick recovery. I haven't had a crash like yours in my 12 years of riding but if I did I might be on same mind set as you. Especially with 2 little ones. Good luck with everything.


WOW!  Sorry to hear you got so beat up.

To a quick and complete recovery [beer]


Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.
2003 Ducati Monster 620


2000 Monster 900Sie, a few changes
1992 900 SS, currently a pile of parts.  Now running
                    flogged successfully  NHMS  12 customized.  Twice.   T3 too.   Now retired.

Ducati Monster Forum at


Glad you're still with us, and best wishes for a speedy recovery!  [thumbsup]

I understand on the part of something you enjoy being tainted or ruined. After my deer incident in '09, riding hasn't been the same for me either. Now I find myself overly hyper-aware, and a little apprehensive about it. I still ride, but only maybe half as many miles per year as before.  :P
I tend to regard most of humanity as little more than walking talking dilated sphincters. - Rat


good you are alive and sucks that you will probably be physically screwed up in a way for the rest of your life.

i know you are trying to be nice and turn the other cheeck by saying it was "an accident" and that is for your discretion and fine.

goodluck and i hope you win your day in court and take this person for everything they have.


I had a similar experience a long time ago in college. Was travelling along and see a car coming towards me in the distance, it slows and indicated to turn in front of me, then it starts to turn and I hit the brakes hard. The car stops and I'm thinking OK they see me and are not going to turn in front of me, so I let off the brakes and am starting to roll back on the throttle when the car inexplicably decides make the turn in front of me anyway. The only explanation I can think of is that when they saw me slow down they then thought they had enough time to turn in front of me, I didn’t have time to stop and plowed right into the side of the car and flew over the top of it. Luckily a broken wrist was my only injury, but the bike was totaled.

Hope you heal up quickly and don’t be too hasty about making decisions on riding in the future. I had another accident 6 years ago and swore I would give up riding, but a couple years later I could not resist and bought my Monster. I don’t ride a whole lot on the streets anymore, still do some weekend rides but mostly stick to the track now for my fun.

Best of luck to you.

2012 M1100 Evo with Termis


Quote from: Anthony81586 on June 10, 2013, 01:18:59 AM
Its just unfortunate because now something I thoroughly enjoyed is now tainted at best of not completely ruined.

sorry to hear, but glad you're able to hold your daughter again.

If you love riding, but can't justify the risk, maybe get an inexpensive track bike and get your juice that way?

and maybe it'll help and maybe it won't, but:
My fast lap is your sighting lap.