It like hypnotizes you and you can't quit!
Later > Curious to see if it worked, easy to do with pit bull stands I just slid the scale under the tire and let it down.
I got 217.5 on the rear tire and 203.5 on the front, which seems a bit heavy > 421lbs. wet full tank.
Dry weight of the bike was 390lbs.
A gallon of gas weighs 6.073 / 3.3 gallon (Caswell) you get 20.04 lbs for a total of 410lbs.
Are Termi's heavier than stock?
Suburban bars, rear fender but then I took off a few things which would probably even it all out
so 410 should be close.
11 lbs. off with the scales unless I am forgetting something.
polivo : I wouldn't use the scales if you need it close.
I'm grabbing a beer after all that thinking!