Seductive 1199 Wallpaper

Started by LowThudd, June 13, 2013, 07:31:41 PM

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Slide Panda

-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.


Cool photo shoot, the bike is hotter than that chic though... [coffee]
2013 Monster 1100 Evo
2013 Monster 796 (wife's)


I wish she would get out of the way.
"But sire what are we to do.  You have taken all our weapons and now the heathen hordes are at the gate.  Are we to lie down and give them our lives.  Without weapons they will make us eat ourselves."