Interesting. Looks like Dynojet have had a complete design rethink on their PCV optimiser(s). Looks nothing like the things which came with my M696 PCV.
What improvements are you hoping for by leaning out the devices who's sole purpose... is to trick the ECU into allowing more fuel within closed loop?
Someone else here said they bought their PCV for their Monster last December straight from Dynojet, and the Optimizer had DIP switches. I contacted Dynojet about this and asked them a few times to confirm the 696 Optimizers had USB ports because everyone here on this forum claimed otherwise - they adamantly said that it did have a USB port. The only Optimizers that had DIP switches were the ones designed for single channel O2 sensors. They might have made this change in 2013, I did not inquire about the date. I did read about another Ducati owner that had the USB port on their Optimizer and that was over a year ago.
The Optimizer appears to be a voltage divider. It offsets/biases the narrowband O2 sensor voltage to command (what Dynojet claims) to be a default AFR of 13.6:1 One forum thread said it was similar to XIED for Harley Davidsons.
The instructions say that when connected via USB, you can lean/enrich the Optimizer setting which effectively raises/lowers the AFR in the closed loop cells. Instead of a fixed 13.6, I'm hoping to lean it out slightly towards 14:1 to remove the snatchy closed loop operation without the gas mileage hit of staying with 13.6 but I won't know until I experiment.