Good Guys Win!
Article ... with video for those with ADD: to the riders for taking the matter to court.
Well done and thank you to Magistrate Eve Wynhausen for seeing this for what it was.
You can all draw your own conclusions on the other party's involvement (please be mindful of the consequences of what you may
want to post).
Although I have my suspicions ... I would love to know what comes of this quote from the article:
Ms Wynhausen criticised senior officers involved, saying their behaviour fell ''far short'' of the NSW Police Code of Conduct and Ethics.
A police statement said a standard review would be conducted into the failed court case and police would continue to target dangerous driver behaviour.
Surely falling far short of the Code of Conduct and Ethics is a sackable offence ... it would be for any other employee. The first place they can target dangerous driver behaviour is obviously within their own ranks.