Four new 'high-end' models on the way

Started by Raux, September 12, 2013, 06:10:43 PM

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we know for sure:

899 Panigale
At least one 4-v Monster


I guess I could see an 821 Monster. Makes sense because I don't forsee them bringing out a completely new gen Monster, with a new frame, and still leaving the old frame in the lineup.

I'm like a politician, flip-flopping.  ;D
1998 M900
2007 CBR600RR Track Bike
1982 Virago 920 Cafe/Fighter Project
1980 Lambretta Moped
Supra Boats enthusiast

"There is no minimum."  - some guy.


Quote from: Raux on September 13, 2013, 12:25:49 PM
I doubt the MTS 1200 is going anywhere.

4 years running Pikes Peak champ and a strong selling bike.

the Hyperstrada is the 'little' MTS that was the MTS 620

I would LOVE a new ST, but I think we would see a new SS before ST

2013 pikes peak champ rode an electric bike. No Ducati.


ducati has won their class 4 years running


  Monsterstrada    [roll]
11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


A 500cc quattrovalvole single with turbo coming in at 300 lbs wet
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"Yelling out of cars, turning your speakers out the window to blast your music onto the street, setting off M-80 firecrackers, firing automatic weapons into the airâ€"these are all well and good. But none of them create a merry atmosphere of insouciance and bonhomie quite like a revving motorcycle.


Can we thin the gene pool? 

2015 MTS 1200
09 Electra Glide


Quote from: duccarlos on September 12, 2013, 06:54:36 PM
Maybe the return of the Sport Classic.

Hopefully sans the W-I-D-E flat seat (no classic sport bike, cafe racer or other, has ever had one)

That was the deal breaker on the silver GT1000 I wanted.
I sat on it.

I was so let down.

(and the frame is so wide at that point in  the frame there is little you could do about it if you wanted to  :-\ )


Quote from: ungeheuer on September 12, 2013, 07:31:58 PM
Not sure.  You can see their logic... and I can see the end of M696 as an Italian built machine....   but don't forget that right now Ducati are building the - at this stage a unique model for Asia only - M795 in Thailand (or is it Malaysia?)... So they do have an option to continue the so-called lower end... out of a lower cost facility.

I have a feeling that if any air cooled bikes continue in the range at all..... they'll come out of their Asian facility.

afaik its only assembled in thailand rather than built from scratch

the purpose is to avoid the import tarriff which is huge like 100 or 200%

but yes the door is open there for a lot of things to be made

but as per the word published they want to be a high end brand so forget about anything on the cheap end of things , which is a shame as VW already do some cheap entry level cars VW UP and Audi makes the A1

i think they are really neglecting the entry level sales which in turn equal high end sales
i dont care if you have been a mechanic for 10 years doing something for a long time does not make you good at it, take my gf for an example shes been walking for 28 years and still manages to fall over all the time.


Quote from: Raux on September 13, 2013, 06:38:46 PM
ducati has won their class 4 years running

Gotcha. I thought you were talking overall.


Quote from: J5 on September 14, 2013, 01:23:03 AM
i think they are really neglecting the entry level sales which in turn equal high end sales

probably not as much profit on the 'low end' bikes, however.
My fast lap is your sighting lap.

The ModFather

Quote from: duccarlos on September 12, 2013, 06:54:36 PM
Maybe the return of the Sport Classic.

My prayers would be answered. Please please please let there be a return of the Sport Classic. Seeing how these bikes are holding or gaining value I cant believe they dont return to this model especially as it does look different than any of the other models and the cafe racer scene which is so trendy and popular right now loves them as well. It's a no brainer.
2005 S2R 800 Analog Motorcycles Custom Build
2007 Sport Classic 1000S
2008 848 Track Bike
2015 Diavel Dark - Sold
2005 Monster 620 Dark - Sold

Uncle Mofo

I still kick myself in the ass for not buying a sport 1000  [bang]
My local Ducati dealer told me to pass this along to my members. Before you buy a bike wait till November!

                                   2007 red S4Rs


Quote from: Privateer on September 14, 2013, 08:40:30 AM
probably not as much profit on the 'low end' bikes, however.

thats true

and it all depends on if they have production room available as in if they are already at max production
then no point making low profit bikes but this is where the thai factory could have the capability

again back to my point

either you make a cheaper bike that is an entry level bike which in turn could lead to brand loyalty and equal a higher

end product with higher profit , or you sell nothing  to that customer

aprillia dont make scooters for nothing  , its another market segement  , same as the diavel , a high percentage of diavel
buyers were first time ducati buyers

same reason apple just released a cheaper iphone, although its not that cheap  [laugh] which i think they have really
missed the boat a long time ago because they are greedy pricks
i dont care if you have been a mechanic for 10 years doing something for a long time does not make you good at it, take my gf for an example shes been walking for 28 years and still manages to fall over all the time.


Quote from: Duck Off on September 14, 2013, 10:00:58 AM
My prayers would be answered. Please please please let there be a return of the Sport Classic. Seeing how these bikes are holding or gaining value I cant believe they dont return to this model especially as it does look different than any of the other models and the cafe racer scene which is so trendy and popular right now loves them as well. It's a no brainer.

there was an article the other day saying they believed they released that bike way too early

so maybe it could be a possibility
i dont care if you have been a mechanic for 10 years doing something for a long time does not make you good at it, take my gf for an example shes been walking for 28 years and still manages to fall over all the time.