This is a picture of my Rizoma RearSets. As you can tell, it is for the s*r bike. They are adjustable. I am 6'1" and the position of the rear sets (relative to stock) are about the same hight but about 1-1.5 inches back. If you notice, there are 20 holes in a 5 row 4 column configuration. I would say the stock position of the stock rearsets is on column 4 (way right side column in reference to above picture) and bolted into row 1 and 3.
The 5x4 row/column area is about 1.5 inch long and 2 inches high. I have to double check but if the stock rear set is positioned at column 4, row 1 and 3, that means you can lower the rear sets 1 inch (relative to stock) and about 1.125 inches back (relative to stock).
Below is a better picture of how it looks.
I must apologize for the picture quality as I only had my macro lens available. Depending on what point was being focused on (in a 3 dimensional plain) object in front and behind the focal point will be IZ-like.
Here is a closeup of the other side. If you would like me to retake some more pictures showing how they look picturing the whole bike, then I'll snap some.
If you notice, i have the GP or set up my shifts in a revers pattern. One reason why I have my rearset on the highest row is that you will notice that the shaft is going through the middle of the rearset instead of below it. I can lower my rearsets 1 inch but can not do the reverse shift pattern with the hardware that I currently have available.
Pictured below better shows what I am trying to explain.
I must say that depending on how you ride, you may want to keep the rear sets as high as I currently have them. I am only a novice at riding but occasionally, when I have my heals on the pegs (instead of the balls of my foot on the pegs), I can scrape my toe an the asphalt. Sometimes enough to catch and throw the bike out of whack, thus scaring the baJEBUS out of you if your not paying attention.
Another degree of adjustability is the shift lever. I can loosen a bolt and spin it up a bit so that my toes are a little up, but I find that a little uncomfortable as you are flexing your shin muscles to keep your toes pointed up.
I have not seen the cycle cats in person but I would say that the Rizoma rear sets are just as adjustable as the CC. Plus, the CC are not available anymore. Have not seen the SATO rear sets in person either but those do not look very adjustable. They do look nice.
If you guys want a lot of closeups, pm me and I will better use my macro lens.
EDIT: I forgot to add something. One thing I dont like about the rear-brake side rearset is that the lever snaps back up due to a rubbery/plastic O ring instead of a spring. It really has not bothered me much. I prefer the spring tension I felt on the stock. It bothered me when I installed them but it has not affected me enough to mod the rearsets so that I can attach a spring on it, instead of the rubber band it currently uses.
Also, depending how your stock rear sets are bolted on the bike, DO THIS MOD WITH A REAR STAND!!. I did this mod with my rear stand and the only reason why I mention this is because I had to take off a bolt that connected the front part of the stock rear set and the back part of the kick stand on to the crank case...........See anything wrong or what bad thing can happen if you do this mod without a rear stand? I almost dumped my bike when I forgot to put the bolt on to secure the kick stand. The stock has 2 bolts that secure it from the front. The rizoma only have one bolt in the front. In my hurry, as I was taking the rear stand off my bike, I notice it was leaning to the left WAY too much.
I almost dropped the bike.