So one of my work colleagues and I finally exchanged bikes for a longish ride. He has a 1972 Norton Commando. The experience was...different. Apparently the kickstart isn't a question of effort (I was sweating in 5 minutes fully geared up trying to get it going), but directing the effort. Then came the relearning for the damn brakes and gearshift on the opposite sides! Add to that a bad idle that kept killing the engine.....followed by more kickstarting. Insane vibrations and even worse wind hammering than the monster, if that's possible. Have to admit that thing was a hoot to ride once I got used to it! It was funny having to actually downshift to overtake, but that seemed half the fun. Best compliment at the end of the ride-this from a grizzled older Norton diehard: "Man your 620 felt like it was on rails! I haven't grinned this much in a long time. If you ever sell that bike I'm going to slap you upside the head!"
At the end of the ride, he was debating picking up a ducati....I pointed him in the direction of a 900ss/cr
Edit: I should add I only pointed him in the direction of the 900ss because there aren't any used monsters in this neck of the woods.