As a Ducati owner I should expect to own a pile of crap? What was I thinking, I should have bought a Honda.
Sorry about your crappy luck with bikes and buying a lemon!
Are we talking about modern bikes? Why wouldn't anyone expect less then years of trouble free service. Ducati would be out of business long ago if they made bikes that break down after a few thousand miles.
Look, I'm not trying to be combative I'm just giving you my opinion based on my experience with my 2012 Monster 1100 EVO. I bought it new in July 2011 and I have over 15,000 miles on it now.
Issues I've had so far:
-Rear wheel recall (Ducati replaced under warranty)
-Cold stalling issue (turned out to be tight exhaust valves-Ducati adjusted valves under warranty)
-Low charging issue, bike goes into limp mode w/TC lights blinking (Ducati replaced stator under warranty)
-Scraping noise when pressing start button, starter going bad (Ducati replaced starter under warranty)
-Broken shifter return spring, this could have left me stranded if it hadn't happened close to home (replaced myself-required pulling the alternator case off to replace a $7 spring)
-Expanding fuel tank (Ducati replaced under warranty-I paid $350 out of my pocket to have it coated inside to prevent future swelling)
This is my first Ducati and this is my experience. Reading the forums it doesn't seem like I'm alone either as I've read numerous people having the same issues I've had with my bike. BTW-I never had a single problem with my last bike (a 2008 Suzuki) over the course of 3.5 years and 17,000 miles I put on it. That's the kind of reliability I
EXPECT with a modern motorcycle and something I haven't gotten with Ducati.
I love my bike but reliable it is not. It hasn't left me stranded anywhere but it hasn't exactly been trouble free either. If I put less than 1000 miles on it none of these issues would have cropped up during that time except the recall and they would cost thousands to fix out of warranty.
So, yeah... I recommend he get the well sorted 15k bike with tasteful mods.