spine protectors

Started by Dockstrada, July 12, 2008, 05:01:06 PM

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Hi All, I have been thinking about buying a spine protector for a while now but sorta don’t know enough about them.
Have see some of you guys have them tucked under you leathers when we ride and just and would like some feed back.
With the little research I have done I have found 2 types straps and no straps.
So are they uncomfortable, do they interfere with your riding in any way what type do you have and why did you go for that particular make and model  [thumbsup]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


I used to use a Dianese strap around type when I was racing and it did its job a couple of times, heh!! [roll]

Some types that just tuck into your leathers can be a pain as they can move around out of position.  ???

The vest type are some of the best types I've seen, maybe overdone for road riding?? But you can NEVER be too safe, for the just incases that might happen!! [moto] [thumbsup]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


I wear the Ducati T2. On every ride including commuting to work.
It is comfortable. It has a clip at the top to connect to a suitable jacket.
My jacket doesn't accommodate this but I can say it really doesn't move much.
Reason for this one - it was the Ducati item with the most coverage and my jacket didn't have a pouch for the small protector. Although, why would you want a half sized one?

I did consider the T Pro Armour.


I've used a Dainese Wave II for about 3 years now. I consider it an essential piece of riding kit and wear it pretty much all the time. It's totally comfortable when wearing and fits under the jacket and leathers.

I wouldn't consider wearing anything that is level 1 compliance and only look at level 2.

Have a serious look at the Forcefield range of protectors. They do everything from full upper body armour to smaller portable protectors (that can roll up and be put in a small bag).

Here's a link to the Forcefield website and some reviews: http://www.forcefieldbodyarmour.co.uk/reviews.asp



My Kushitani has a built in pocket, and I run the T pro forcefield CE Lvl 2 (pro) back protector in it.

doesn't move around....

after a few minutes it warms up (more on this) and becomes more flexible and then easily molds to the body, very comfortable.


this thing is going to be hell in summer, it definitely keeps me warmer in winter, it effects body temperature - no doubt (similar effect to riding with a backpack IMO).

More next step is to replace the built in shoulder armor with BMW CE 2 stuff....would like to try that out as well....another name for you to research.

seen the new Dianese with the built in neck protector? that looks good!

now that CE 2 is being achieved by a few brands I think it's worth spending the extra time and money and hunting it down.



I've been thinking about back protectors too!
I saw this really nice one at the bike show two years back and I cannot remember its name although I think it was british, and then I thought about the replacable elbow and shoulder protectors, I never seen anyone advertise replacement or up graded pieces.
So that was a good question dock

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


Heh!! Its alright for all you skinny bastards being able to fit extra stuff under your riding gear. [roll]

There is just, and I do mean just enough room for me at the moment!! ??? [beer] [popcorn] [drink] [bacon] [thumbsup]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Quote from: dragonworld on July 12, 2008, 10:43:11 PM

There is just, and I do mean just enough room for me at the moment!! ??? [beer] [popcorn] [drink] [bacon] [thumbsup]

Do try the Light diet  [thumbsup]

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


Izzat light [beer]???    ;D (Catspiss)

Or should I drink more???? [wine]

And stay off the Guiness????  [drink] :(
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Quote from: dragonworld on July 12, 2008, 05:46:16 PM
I used to use a Dianese strap around type when I was racing and it did its job a couple of times, heh!! [roll]

Some types that just tuck into your leathers can be a pain as they can move around out of position.  ???

The vest type are some of the best types I've seen, maybe overdone for road riding?? But you can NEVER be too safe, for the just incases that might happen!! [moto] [thumbsup]

Just spoke to a mate about the vest type and he agrees they are the best type, it would be interesting to get some feedback from someone that has actually done some miles in one  ???
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !



when you open up that PDF and look at the T pro - mine is the actually armor without the holding straps...

I was disappointed with the BMW one though....maybe I stick with what I've got and get T Pro shoulder armor instead.

what did you think of that test Dock?


When I got my leather kit I also bought a Daniese slip in item, can't remember the model.
But it has been in place since I've had the leathers, so I don't know any different.
It has never moved around on me fits really tightly in the pocket.
Only gets uncomfortable when I wear a backpack but that is not very often.
I'm not sure if I'd like extra straps and cords in under my leathers, unless it gave me protection for my chest also.


My Mentor Is Mental - there are baboons in my balloons-


So went out fora sniffed around today and there ain’t much out there. So I settled for a Dainese, seems to be what everyone has been buying, so I followed suit the guy didn’t seem to know much but I’m pretty happy with the end result .


Model: Bap 2000/8 ( has something to do with the nunber of plates fitted)

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !