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Fist waving / Vent
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Topic: Fist waving / Vent (Read 4178 times)
Ozmonsters: degenerating nicely since 2008
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Posts: 2398
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Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #15 on:
July 16, 2008, 01:56:59 AM »
then we have:
p platers, young male idiots in beaten up pieces of crap (Coomodore VL or Jap crap) with extra tachos on the dash for their 'drag' night (and not the good kind with fish nets and high heels)
mums willing to risk everyone else's children whilst speeding to get 'little junior' to school on time - in the 4wd monster truck (they need it for the space!)
the just plain 'spaced' out folk who think that it all happens automatically - you just sit there in the drivers seat and have a good hard think about it - 'it' being the last time they cut their toe nails or used the juice squeezer.
Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 02:04:31 AM by Spider
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Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #16 on:
July 16, 2008, 02:20:45 AM »
I like this thread!
Yes I don't agree with those damn coal trucks racing up one of those huge hills heading to Sydney from Wollongong side by side one doing 60 and the other doing 62 in a 100 zone. The truck doing 62 in the right lane runs out of puff then stays side by side with the other truck all the way up the hill. They get to the top and the right lane truck decides he can't pass, backs off then pulls back in behind the other truck. Meanwhile 50 cars have backed up behind them and all the drivers going mad. No gain?
As for inconsiderate drivers, I just don't understand when there is no one on the road except this one driver sits in the right lane. I come alond and sit on their arse for a k or so, I give them a flash with the high beams, they wake up, pull over to the left lane, I go past, they yell abuse for flashing them then they move back over to the right lane again?
Can some one help me out there? Can some one tell me what motorvates these morons to hog the right lane?
M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #17 on:
July 16, 2008, 03:41:48 AM »
Quote from: DUCMONROB on July 16, 2008, 02:20:45 AM
I like this thread!
Yes I don't agree with those damn coal trucks racing up one of those huge hills heading to Sydney from Wollongong side by side one doing 60 and the other doing 62 in a 100 zone. The truck doing 62 in the right lane runs out of puff then stays side by side with the other truck all the way up the hill. They get to the top and the right lane truck decides he can't pass, backs off then pulls back in behind the other truck. Meanwhile 50 cars have backed up behind them and all the drivers going mad. No gain?
As for inconsiderate drivers, I just don't understand when there is no one on the road except this one driver sits in the right lane. I come alond and sit on their arse for a k or so, I give them a flash with the high beams, they wake up, pull over to the left lane, I go past, they yell abuse for flashing them then they move back over to the right lane again?
Can some one help me out there? Can some one tell me what motorvates these morons to hog the right lane?
+1 Rob. You are living my life! Mount Ousley out of Wollongong is the best - since they widened parts to three lanes, its really good. The left lane is for the $h!tbox truck that breaks down half way up to block for hours, the centre lane is for truck 1 to do 50km/h and the right lane is for truck 2 to do 50.000001km/h all the way up. Aarrgghhh
I am always amazed at how angry people get when they are caught out doing something they know is not right. If you flash your lights at someone who is dozing in the right lane, then you can expect abuse nine times out of ten. In Europe, the headlight flash is seen as polite. I can remember driving in Germany, and overtaking someone in the left lane (opposite side of the road) at about 160km/h or so, and seeing a flash of lights behind me. I got over again quickly, to see an AMG merc blast past at about 210km/h. All perfectly safe and polite, I thought.
Manners people, it really does not hurt to be polite. ducsport
Geez its getting hot holding my
Hero Member
Posts: 827
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Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #18 on:
July 20, 2008, 03:23:40 AM »
Quote from: ducsport on July 16, 2008, 03:41:48 AM
+1 Rob. You are living my life! Mount Ousley out of Wollongong is the best - since they widened parts to three lanes, its really good. The left lane is for the $h!tbox truck that breaks down half way up to block for hours, the centre lane is for truck 1 to do 50km/h and the right lane is for truck 2 to do 50.000001km/h all the way up. Aarrgghhh
I am always amazed at how angry people get when they are caught out doing something they know is not right. If you flash your lights at someone who is dozing in the right lane, then you can expect abuse nine times out of ten. In Europe, the headlight flash is seen as polite. I can remember driving in Germany, and overtaking someone in the left lane (opposite side of the road) at about 160km/h or so, and seeing a flash of lights behind me. I got over again quickly, to see an AMG merc blast past at about 210km/h. All perfectly safe and polite, I thought.
Manners people, it really does not hurt to be polite. ducsport
Thanks for the support Ty.
When I get on the Harley I do a fly by and sometimes think it would be great to hit their side mirror on the way through to give them a bigger scare!
Up for Charley on Tuesday???
Rob [moto]
M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
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Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #19 on:
July 20, 2008, 03:01:41 PM »
Having been with a German girl for a few years and am currently working for Siemans Australia its interesting to hear how other countries prioritise their road safety.
To get your licence in Germany its expensive ($1500 US plus) Skidpan, advanced courses, mechanical practical as well as theory. City, highway and in all road condition. Dont want to do it?? Stiff then, you dont get a licence. You have to earn it, NOT like here.
And therefore once you have a licence you are regarded as a trained road user and bad performance and attitude is banged hard. Yes they whack speeders but the priority seems to be on bad attitude. Like Tailgating cameras!! Flip the Bone at some one and you get a $200US fine, go cursing at someone and bingo another big fine, same as excessive use of your horn in an agressive manner. Run red lights and you cop a $400US and some time off the road.
The attitude appears to be that you have got your licence and have been trained accordingly, you now have a responsibilty to use your vehicle with a good atttitude, if not?? Well then there are no beg pardons. Some of the Boche that I work with cant understand the fixation that our Authorities have with speed and the shitty, crappy aggressive attitude that our road users have.
Interesting to see how others do the job!!
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!
Ozmonsters: degenerating nicely since 2008
Hero Member
Posts: 2398
I may be long, but I fold up nicely
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #20 on:
July 20, 2008, 03:49:42 PM »
That sounds great Dragon, I'm heading over there next year and can't wait - very interested to see and hear how they operate!
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #21 on:
July 20, 2008, 03:59:17 PM »
ive been saying for years to bring a couse for cage drivers motor bikes have to do a stay upright couse but cage driver dont
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Posts: 126
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #22 on:
July 20, 2008, 05:57:06 PM »
Remember, our politicians have paid drivers, so they are quite out of touch with what really causes accidents. I would suspect most "speed" related accidents are a result of frustration caused by someone else going very slow/driving poorly. I know most of my "speeding moments" are as a result of trying to get away from some knob who is just being a really poor driver. Not indicating, driving way too slow, taking too long to react at lights - not just wants, but repeatedly, swerving form lane to lane, being generally clueless... Or a combination of, or all of the above.
I also REALLY hate people who are CLEARLY lost, driving REALLY slow, trying to figure out where they are. Is it really that hard to just pull over, let everyone else pass, and then get back on with trying to get yourself un-lost?
But anyway, speeding is the cause of all road accidents, so lets fcus on that...
What could possibly go wrong?
I can make like a tripod with my.....
Hero Member
Posts: 5887
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #23 on:
July 20, 2008, 07:33:14 PM »
"Speeding being the cause of all accidents" is what the Authorities would like you to believe.
After all you have to be moving to crash into somethin dont you??
Excessive speed is a more accurate term because it basically means that the speed was excessive for the situation/road conditions at the time and was NOT necessarily breaking the speed limit. They can be 2 entirely different things. But the old "speeding" term gets used without clarification to support more and more camera usage and Police/Government policy.
And has a proven limited value for the road toll, and a proven excellent value for raising funds.
Recently I had to give the throttle a spanking to get my arse out of the way of a fool that wasnt paying attention when doing a snap lane change without signalling or looking and it just happened that there were 2 coppers on the freeway at the time in Q cars. One pulled me over and the other took off after the dipshit in the car. My Cop accepted my reason for what I did and was happy that I was safe.
Unfortunately if it had been a "Safety Camera" I would have been pinged and the dickhead would have kept doing stupid shit and maybe caused carnage further down the road.!!
There is no substitute for a bum on a seat patrolling the roads, but of course $ for $ the camera will outperform the human everytime in raking in the Pesos.
And THAT just aint policing!! Its money raising!!
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!
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Posts: 1613
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #24 on:
July 20, 2008, 08:50:12 PM »
Yes, I'm afraid I've heard this all before................................
Not to diminish what all of you have said, this goes to show that you are being observent, and you are able to get out of a serious situation, unfortunately we have to put up with what we have got for now, and to be honest, I am guilty of most of the things that have been mentioned, but I do try my best, I just wish my fellow road user would do the same.
This won't hurt much.... Trust me......
Ozmonsters: degenerating nicely since 2008
Hero Member
Posts: 2398
I may be long, but I fold up nicely
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #25 on:
July 20, 2008, 10:44:25 PM »
I'm seeing a new type now - city 4 wheel drivers that have obviously bought the biggest & baddest vehicle they can and then try and drive it like it's a bloom'n Vespa scooter....parking it in bicycle lanes, lane splitting, sitting up someone's @rse thinking they'll be able to move around the turning vehicle in front of them...you bought a light truck - deal with it!
I can make like a tripod with my.....
Hero Member
Posts: 5887
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #26 on:
July 21, 2008, 12:22:49 AM »
Quote from: Spider on July 20, 2008, 10:44:25 PM
I'm seeing a new type now - city 4 wheel drivers that have obviously bought the biggest & baddest vehicle they can and then try and drive it like it's a bloom'n Vespa scooter....parking it in bicycle lanes, lane splitting, sitting up someone's @rse thinking they'll be able to move around the turning vehicle in front of them...you bought a light truck - deal with it!
Hah!! The knobs are even attempting these sort of stunts in Ravs and the like!!
Bloody glorified pretend 4WD's. Wankers and dangerous at that!!
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!
Re: Fist waving / Vent
Reply #27 on:
July 22, 2008, 04:00:08 AM »
Quote from: DUCMONROB on July 20, 2008, 03:23:40 AM
Thanks for the support Ty.
When I get on the Harley I do a fly by and sometimes think it would be great to hit their side mirror on the way through to give them a bigger scare!
Up for Charley on Tuesday???
Rob [moto]
Rob, Sorry, late with this reply. You will have worked out by now that no, couldn't make it today. Too much work, tragically. Being a grown up is so over rated. Cheers,
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