finally getting around to posting some pics of my "new" s2r (PIC HEAVY)

Started by reverus, January 24, 2015, 02:32:11 PM

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you want the tail light, in a dark setting lit up? or a well lit pic of how it sits in the bike?



just any old taillight from a cbr600rr 05-09 i think there's one that's similar, just make sure its LED, wiring was easy|Model%3ACBR600RR&hash=item1c398b3747&vxp=mtr

for the brackets i just rough estimated some 90deg bends using cardboard, made note of where the holes needed to be and drilled, originally i had it mounted a bit off so it pointed down, after making adjustments i cleaned up the brackets hence the multiple holes in the pics. I also had to cut off the catches on the top of that light that are made to hook the body work on the CBR, they could have been left on but this way, even with a passanger the seat doesnt rest on the light


'11 M-696


I was wondering how long till someone spotted that :P that supra's such an attention whore.


Quote from: reverus on January 24, 2015, 02:35:37 PM
PSR frame sliders,

Bike looks great, but I would ditch those sliders. Ive seen the PSR ones crack at the mount under use. a surefire way to damage the frame and total a bike.

Ive high sided my bike and done a couple dumb 0mph drops and have a clean title because of these suckers. Highly recommended, especially if you get the matching axle sliders.