Hi from a (soon to be former?) Suzuki guy?

Started by Rusty The Scoob, February 27, 2015, 01:49:16 PM

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Rusty The Scoob

Hi, all!  I've been putting about $9,000 miles per year on my SV650 and it's been the perfect bike for my mixed highway/city commute... but it's getting old and I'm thinking an M696 might fill its shoes nicely and then some!  So I'm here doing some research.  Thanks for having me! [beer]
Sold:  2002 SV650, 48,000 miles.  Bought:  2014 M696, 2,000 miles plus about 1,000/month


Welcome Rusty.
It's a great international community here, by the people, for the people.
Lots of sections to explore with tons of info and good bike shops as sponsors.
2015 Scrambler 800


I miss my 03 sv650 and have been riding a Vstrom 650 for the past two years. Im currently searching for a 696 as well. Anything done to your sv?

Rusty The Scoob

My SV is pretty much stock other than the rear shock which was totally shot at only 15K miles.  Rediculous how crappy that shock was, it's not like I'm heavy or had ridden 2 up before that.
Sold:  2002 SV650, 48,000 miles.  Bought:  2014 M696, 2,000 miles plus about 1,000/month