Let off easy for destroying the speed limit?

Started by MotoZen, May 07, 2015, 04:36:18 AM

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Quote from: MotoZen on May 10, 2015, 05:11:41 AM
What's this derby thing?
Now that the kids have had their fun... ;D

We have a member named derby.

He has a photographic memory, and an uncanny ability for manipulating the search function.

When he spent more time here he would often post [derby] when someone posted a duplicate link, or thread.

If you have the net nanny turned on in your profile you will never see the word [derby] it comes up derby.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


Indian dirt-bike with training wheels -outgrew 25 years ago
XR 80 - outgrew 20 years ago
2015 M821. - will probably never outgrow