Anyone home?

Started by Randimus Maximus, July 02, 2015, 10:08:01 AM

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Randimus Maximus

Hey kids!

Since no one has posted in here for six month or so, I thought I'd pop in.

I've been transferred to the Phoenix Metro as of yesterday.

I'll likely be visiting you fine folks (and a few questionable peeps) at least 2X a month.

Depending on where my visits are planned around the valley, I may be staying downtown, Snotsdale, or even out in Glendale.

For July, I'll be downtown the week of the 6th and 13th and in Old Town Scotty from the 21st - 24th.

Hope to see you!

Dirty Duc

When are you visiting Bisbee or Tombstone?

Randimus Maximus

Won't be for a while.

I only visit PHX for now.

About a year ago, I used to visit Sierra Vista on a regular basis, so that would have been a possibility then.

Beautiful area down there, BTW.  [thumbsup]

Randimus Maximus

I'll be back in town the next three weeks.

Scottsdale next week from the 11th-13th.

Downtown from the 18th - 21st and 24th - 26th.

Dirty Duc

Why didn't you say anything about SV? That's even closer.


Damn!  How many years ago now was it that we took that ride to get the 900 in SV Randimus?
2018 Scrambler 800 "Argento"
2010 Monster 1100 "Niro" 
2003 Monster 620 "Scuro"

Quote from: bobspapa on May 29, 2011, 08:09:57 AMThis just in..IZ is not that short..and I am not that tall.

Randimus Maximus


It's cooling off in the Valley.

Time to make this happen.

I'm in Phoenix/Scottsdale each of the next four weeks.


Dirty Duc

I spend the first two weekends in the southeast corner of the state, then I am off gadding about the nation for work.

Do you need some LSR noise in your life?  Come visit... :D

Randimus Maximus

It seems that my time visiting PHX may be coming to an end.

Of course, that is always subject to change.  Given the current pace of things, this posting may be very premature.

In any case, I'm back in town next week, beginning on Tuesday the 19th.  I'm staying in Tempe at the AC.  Do you guys still meetup at TT on Tuesdays?

Dirty Duc

Those guys might. I'd be surprised if the Phoenix crew post anything here. Must be some sun-oriented forum that draws all the attention up there.

I get to Phoenix once in a while on weekends. Wife has family there.


'03 M800 "not so dark" Dark, Remus high pipes, Cycle Cat clipons & frame sliders, CRG lanesplitter mirrors, Sargent seat, tail chop, Nichols flywheel, modified & powdercoated rearsets, 15/44 gearing, 520 chain & sprockets, TPO Beast pod filters, Power Comander III. 72.95 Rear Wheel HP & 54.29 ft-lbs!

Quote from: SacDuc
No. I'm a different type of idiot altogether.

Dirty Duc

Anybody in the SE AZ next weekend? Come watch me be an idiot at the 24 hours of lemons race in Wilcox. Or don't. I have a diesel Porsche, and another car.


'03 M800 "not so dark" Dark, Remus high pipes, Cycle Cat clipons & frame sliders, CRG lanesplitter mirrors, Sargent seat, tail chop, Nichols flywheel, modified & powdercoated rearsets, 15/44 gearing, 520 chain & sprockets, TPO Beast pod filters, Power Comander III. 72.95 Rear Wheel HP & 54.29 ft-lbs!

Quote from: SacDuc
No. I'm a different type of idiot altogether.

Dirty Duc

Quote from: krolik on August 16, 2023, 10:25:07 AM
Apparently not.  :'(
Yeah, I'm in Virginia for the foreseeable.