next month's bike night will feature more door prizes, so please make sure to attend.
also, a shameless plug aimed at ducati owners in the bay area ... we are starting a new DOC (desmo owners club) that is regional based (northern california), NOT model specific like the existing DOC's in the area (e.g.: sportclassic owners club, ducati monsters of bay area, mh900e owners club, vintage ducati club, st owners club). SO, if you own ANY ducati, and are interested in track days, racing, wrenching, riding schools, destination rides, social events and charity events ... PLEASE check out the NorCal DOC. the web site is still under construction, and is @
http://www.norcaldoc.combtw, i am NOT trying to steal members from the ducati monsters of bay area DOC (heck, i am not even sure if this still IS a DOC) ... you can be a member in BOTH clubs. fwiw, all of the MOBsters i have gotten to know over the years are mondo cool people and hard core ducatisti, and would be great additions to ANY club.
a presto,