Newbie Monster Owner Alert

Started by SAL, November 10, 2016, 12:19:03 PM

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Hello All.
Newbie here with a new to me 08 S4RS Tricolore. Just found the bike in Oklahoma with 5k miles, original owner and like new. Full Termi system with DP ECU chip, open clutch, DP seat, tank replaced. no tail chop.
Have had too many bike to list but this thing is a phenom. Suspension is off the chart.
Looking to do some minor mods and would appreciate any input.
Looking into the following:
1. rear tail piece without chopping rear frame.
2. Oberon bar end signals with crg mirrors/removal of original signals
3. shorter gearing. 14 tooth front versus complete 520 conversion
4. Cox radiator and oil cooler guards
5. Q3 vs. Pilot powers. (original tires still on bike)
6. Service
7 Tech Spec pads
7  Ride like mad before the rain hits here in NorCal.

Looking forward to the wisdom of your Forum.

NorCal (Sacramento)


Welcome [beer].
You have a flagship model there [thumbsup].
The minor mods sound good as the bike is so good already with the DP kit. Others who have dealt with this model will have contributions I'm sure.
Try the search function here and check out for a wealth of information.
2015 Scrambler 800


1. rear tail piece without chopping rear frame.
MonsterParts and MotoWheels used to have the no chop carbon kit. Ask if they still do or can order. If not, maybe CarbonWorld in Germany... EDIT: maybe even ebay

2. Oberon bar end signals with crg mirrors/removal of original signals
Very stylish (personally I think bar end mirrors are too far away from where your should be) Again sponsors.

3. shorter gearing. 14 tooth front versus complete 520 Conversion
Hard to justify the 520 Conversion. 14 T Works great.

4. Cox radiator and oil cooler guards
Nice looking. Do you need them?

5. Q3 vs. Pilot powers. (original tires still on bike)
Get rid of the original tires NOW.

6. Service
Very good idea.

7 Tech Spec pads
Again sponsors. Looks good and works great.

7  Ride like mad before the rain hits here in NorCal.
Another very good idea.

252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


You really should start a thread in the Accessories & Mods board regarding suggestions..

You'll get more replies.
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