What's the backlog on 696 belts?
I see 2 sets on the shelf, so get your order in immediately. We now have our manufacturing started up again and have been placing orders every 2 weeks. So the belts that came in Friday? The PO was sent in late January. The next shipment has more TB696 belts coming in and that'll be in the next 8 to 12 business days.
(I like you... personally, despite internet nonsense and lack of personal interactton).
Thanks! I haven't been on the forums at all for like 2 years, sorry about that! It has been a mad scramble trying to get the tanks in production. I wasted almost a year trying to work with the local rotational molder and finally got fed up with the run-around so we went back to Cali and bought a roto machine of our own. Literally every minute of every work day is spent trying to get our tanks going again.
How can we (as consumers) help you run a profitable business?
» Buy actual ExactFit™ timing belts via our established sales channels.
» Buying from us is great; however, supporting our dealers and distributors is awesome and better for growning our overall sales and brand awareness.
» Ask your local dealer to offer Ca Cycleworks ExactFit™ timing belts. Before BDL interfered with our ability to purchase our own products, GP Motorcycles in San Diego became a distributor. As a franchised Ducati dealer, they are in a unique position to help get our belts into more franchised dealers. I've known the folks at GP for decades and they are pretty conservative about jumping on aftermarket products.
» If the parts guy at your dealer knows about this situation, ask them to to avoid buying the counterfeit "Tru-Fit" belts from Parts Unlimited and instead carry Ca Cycleworks ExactFit™ timing belts.
» Any chance you've got to yell at @PartsUnlimited, do it.
If you or a friends have a Harley, BDL are the drive belt manufacturers for Parts Unlimited sister company Drag Specialties.
» You can let Harley dealers who care about small business know what's happening and get them to pressure their Parts Unlimited / Drag Specialties sales reps to do the right thing.
» What is the "Right thing"? Got me... I am a problem solver, not a screwer-overer of other businesses. Maybe they can buy our timing belts from us instead of counterfeits from BDL? Or just make Tru-Fit go away and go on like nothing happened? Got me.
» I'm not one to call for boycotts; they are normally just bad for business. But if enough people yell at me to furnish an alternative to BDL / Drag Specialties drive belts for H-D, I'll do it.
Sorry to hear it. That really sucks
Can you cross post this to ducati.ms and the other forums to get some traction? Maybe if enough people take notice, some change might happen??
I'm really not one to spam forums and prefer to instead have everyday folks like y'all help spread the word. You guys are on the various forums and know the nuances of which board to post on, etc. Plus, right now, I really don't spend much time on computers. I try to update facebook with my progress on the rotational machine -- that has been epic work and I need to get that thing earning us money.
Do you have any legal standpoint from a copyright infringement perspective???
Possibly. It's obvious they used the actual digital PDF files I created for their counterfeit products' labeling. Like literally, when BDL were our sales people, they demanded that I supply them the artwork "to confirm it is correct with the importer/manufacturer, BesTorq".
Doesn't matter since we don't have spare $ to pay lawyers. When BDL starved us, it did almost kill Ca Cycleworks. I moved out east to be with family; we had a family meeting and discussed closing the business. The only reason we were able to keep going was inheritance from a death in the family. Besides continuing to support our products and customers, the number 1 reason we didn't quit was so that we could provide for 3 generations of family.
OK - gotta go. I'll try to remember to check in 2x a day...