Bike Thefts

Started by Betty, July 21, 2008, 11:48:58 PM

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The Boss was alerted to Ducatis being targetted in thefts yesterday and I found this article today. Obviously the safety of our loved ones is important but was not sure about some of the statements made in the article about extremely rare 998s and rare R1 & R6 models.,22049,24048688-5006009,00.html

Take care of your babies peoples.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Seen a '98 R1 of late? they are very rare. Most were written off within a few k's of the dealership :P

What could possibly go wrong?


hey guys,

i heard this at  work the other day and i think they have a strike force looking into this, yes but be very careful and lock up our baby bikes.
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT


R1 and R6 rare??? Sounds like a Fleabay Ad??  ???

They are like arseholes, every one has one. [roll]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Looks like i'm ok for now, they are only hitting the north shore so far! :o

There was a spate of Harley thefts around Wollongong a couple of years ago.

One poor bloke parked his bike out the front of a pub. 20 mins later the bike was gone! :o

It was later found the crooks had a white van in which they picked up the bike chuked it in the back and away they went.

Rob [bacon]
M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix