Exactly what I was looking for, thanks 'Hawk.
AFAIK every dual sided swingarmed Ducati shares compatible slip ons.
Old nasty clamp;
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN5SU9iigRneBulBQdtC7umUBd1496k-Wit5is1x05OV0gU97qorFk-I2_QJmbJ7w?key=VUMzakxvMzhhdnVSUkd4T0ZubXdidmxRc2pHLUJnNew McMaster clamp:
The Nylock nut will if course need to be swapped for a regular hex, these aren't technically marketed as exhaust clamps but rather clamps "for firm hose or tube". The presence of the nylock nut us the only thing I see preventing it from being a perfect replacement.
BTW, 2002 and newer 900/750 ie headers are much nicer, they clamp to the forward most unused hole on the engine (unless you have a floating rear brake setup), there is an additional port for a lambda or O2 sensor, and the flanges are a little prettier.