Who has tried a 48 tooth clutch?

Started by koko64, November 28, 2017, 09:14:59 PM

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2015 Scrambler 800


Quote from: koko64 on December 02, 2017, 01:27:00 PM
Thanks. Less clatter?

Slightly less but also different tone. My Monsters Clutch pack has become noticeably louder with a new "ding-ding" bell sound i'm hearing, at little over 10K miles. I'm really wanting the slipper action more than a less quiet clutch..

11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


Quote from: danaid on December 02, 2017, 02:33:31 PM
Slightly less but also different tone. My Monsters Clutch pack is has become noticeably louder with a new "ding-ding" bell sound i'm hearing, at little over 10K miles. I really wanting the slipper action more than a less quiet clutch.
So can you clarify for the record,as you have both, are EVR sintered plates steel and organic plates ally?


Untitled by daniel prudhume, on Flickr

Magnet stuck to a sintered plate

Untitled by daniel prudhume, on Flickr

No attraction to the organic plate, definitely some type of aluminum
11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


I reckon that steel plates on steel baskets will ring like a bell. Steel baskets do when you tap 'em with a spanner.
2015 Scrambler 800


Quote from: danaid on December 04, 2017, 09:22:06 AM
Untitled by daniel prudhume, on Flickr

Magnet stuck to a sintered plate

Untitled by daniel prudhume, on Flickr

No attraction to the organic plate, definitely some type of aluminum

Thanks for taking the time to test both types. I really wish i’d had the info before buying. I thought i was doing the right thing buying sintered and it would be a harder wearing setup. Never even gave it a second thought that different metals could have been used. So i’ve actually ended up with steel plates on an ally basket. I would have definately gone with organic plates, so that it’s ally plates on an ally basket.  Ffs! [bang]


Quote from: itsamonster on December 04, 2017, 03:55:31 PM
Thanks for taking the time to test both types. I really wish i’d had the info before buying. I thought i was doing the right thing buying sintered and it would be a harder wearing setup. Never even gave it a second thought that different metals could have been used. So i’ve actually ended up with steel plates on an ally basket. I would have definately gone with organic plates, so that it’s ally plates on an ally basket.  Ffs! [bang]

Did you notice rough engagement with your sintered clutch plates? Stock basket? I chose organic plates and a slipper clutch because my monsters shifting, clutch engagement have never smoothed out. I also bought Oberon slaves for both bikes to try to tame the beasts a bit! 

My 1198 has a smoother transmission and clutch engagement so I was mostly wanting more durability, so I opted for the sintered plates and basket. At my last track day I pushed the bike hard, I smelt clutch plates and brakes at the end of the day..
11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


The bikes an s4rs with complete EVR 48t slipper kit ( bought as a clutch package inc sintered plates and ally basket).
It works fine on the road and isn’t harsh at all. Occasionally when launching hard it will give a kind of screech noise.
It’s also got the oberon slave.