Another tank question

Started by 63eh, November 29, 2017, 08:36:16 PM

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question for all you monster gurus out there, is a m900 and s2r fuel tank physically interchangeable? ie if air boxes are removed on both bikes can the tanks be swapped over?

not concerned about the fuelling side of things just purely will one bolt on where the other does??

cheers in advance

Dirty Duc

You need more than just the airbox removed, and I think it depends on the year. Ducati switched frame designs around the switch to fuel injection in 2000/2001.

They have different mounts at the back, and some years (m900) have different mounts on the front. Since I put an ST tank on my S2R with minimal trouble, it's almost certainly doable.


Definitely doable.

You need a rear hinge as stated, maybe a front latch, a fuel pump/filter, a tank cap holder or bung, and most important is an external fuel pressure regulator.

Any injected steel tank will work.

We have a thread... It might be helpful.

The only other consideration is the seat cutout. You said you weren't concerned about fueling. If you're making a switch to carbs, any tank will work '00 up. The earlier tanks had a different relief for the seat. A seat swap, and any tank will fit the frame with a hinge and possibly a front latch.
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