695 or 796??

Started by Ken Masters, March 26, 2018, 05:49:01 AM

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I'm partial to the Michlelin's. That's just me.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


Angel GT's are good for ~12k miles for me.
My general rule of thumb is shoot for tires that will last 2 years or less.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Danmoto slip ons were unbearably loud after 20 min or so.   I wouldn't recommend them unless you ride with ear plugs.  I swapped them for Mivv high mounts.  Still louder than stock, but doesn't give me a headache.  Also has baffles you can remove if you want them louder. 

Ken Masters

Thanks guys, all good advice.
I'll see what deals the local tyre place are doing.

Drval - thanks for the heads up I'm leaning towards the delkevic as it has removable baffles. I think the danmoto carbon gp (if that's the exhaust you had) comes without baffles but you can buy them separately.
I also looked at mivv but I'm after black exhausts for the bike and I'm getting the delkevic carbon at around £340 full kit, danmoto are around £200 but not including baffles, import duties and taxes.
Black mivv gp black steel are around £460!

ps I've got no problem riding with ear plugs, these crazy UK drivers need to know I'm coming!


Sorry for the delay.  You already got some good advice for your use scenario.  But to answer your question, for my "sporty/canyon/dry" use I've relied on Michelin Pilot Powers of various flavors and just recently Dunlop Q3+ for something different.  We really are spoiled by all the great tire options these days.


Quote from: Ken Masters on May 11, 2018, 01:12:55 AM
Thanks guys.
I like the sound of a racy motor!!

I'll have a look at the tyre walls to work out age when I take delivery of the bike next week.
The anticipation is killing me!

It seems the oem tyres were bridgestones BT056s??
I'm having trouble sourcing these, any recommendations to replace?
BK what tyres are you running on your steed please mate?


Ken Masters

No worries BK, thanks for your input!

I'm getting delivery of the bike hopefully  tomorrow so will post some pics for you guys

Ken Masters

Well I got the bike on Thursday finally!
I was away on the weekend so the most have been able to do is start her up and listen to the engine!

I need to investigate a petrol smell from under the seat - the previous owner assures me he has changed the fuel tank o ring very recently so am hoping this is just a loose hose or something. Also going to do the belts this week using the quick and easy method on youtube by MikE RideWNC.
Then I'm going to ride her  ;)

Now if I could just work out how to post a pic I would show you guys what she looks like..

Ken Masters

Ken Masters

yess! got it, will post some more in colour when I get a chance


Quote from: Ken Masters on May 21, 2018, 01:56:20 AM
Also going to do the belts this week using the quick and easy method on youtube by MikE RideWNC.

Holy shit.  :o
That video has built quite a few landmines into the job.

After you put the belts on, and set the belt tension and tighten the bolts.....

make the beast with two backsING PLEASE DON'T JUST IMMEDIATELY HIT THE START BUTTON ! ! ! !




- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~

Ken Masters

Thanks speeddog - I'll be sure to check, double check and triple check my work and to make sure there is nothing that's going to get sucked into the belts before I start her up! Also I'm not going to use a pry bar, was going to use my hands  :)

Also i was intending to tighten the belt tensioner pulleys to 20 ft lbs of torque for both belts using a torque wrench.

Anything else that jumped out at from you from the vid?
(I appreciate it is a quick and dirty method without lining everything up by putting the bike in gear and spinning the rear wheel etc.)


Ken Masters

Ok I've found the exactfit stuff, the ca cycleworks videos, ducatisuite etc etc
I've armed myseld with a paddock stand, torque wrench, tippex and some allen keys.

Gonna do the job this weekend hopefully so will report back.

Thanks all.


Quote from: Speeddog on May 11, 2018, 08:20:39 AM
Angel GT's are good for ~12k miles for me.
My general rule of thumb is shoot for tires that will last 2 years or less.

Last 2 Angel GT rears lasted 13k and 14k miles respectively, the front went 23k. That being said, I think the next set will be the Road 5. They have a more aggressive shoulder, should be better wet handling, still dual compound, and are said to last ~15k miles.
2005 S2R800
2006 S2R1000
2015 Monster 821

Ken Masters

Thanks Nakid  [thumbsup]

Ok so I did the belts yesterday using the exactfit belts and allen key method. Took me a while as I really wanted to have a good first look around the bike and checked, double checked and triple checked everything.
Pleased to say the exactfit belts are on and I managed to take the bike out for maiden voyage yesterday!!

My initial observations:

The good:
Very comfortable compared to my previous sports bikes
Torquey in a very fun way
Quickly inspires confidence
Awesome around town
Warmed up very quickly, fast idle could be turned off after a minute

The not so good:
The tail - personally I find it hideous, going to modify it or chop it
The exhausts - stock cans not enough for me so going to replace
The stock mirrors - vibrate like hell, these have gots to go!
Around the time the low fuel light came on towards the end of my 30 minute ride there was like a popping noise at the front of the bike around the headlight area, no idea what this is/was.
Difficult to pinpoint and happened 3-4 times but stopped after I filled up??

Also on the to do list plus the mods above:
Oil change
Brake fluid

Thanks to all who helped me make the choice and what to look for.
Very glad to have done the belts as wouldn't have been able to ride with peace of mind otherwise.
It had been 4 years since the last change but I have to say the belts weren't in that bad condition!

Cheers all


Tail chop and Motobox tail light.