The ugly Ducling

Started by mileshh1, June 09, 2018, 08:17:46 AM

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Did some major cleaning today. Got some Gunk brand engine cleaner, the foaming kind. Worked a treat. Really foams up to get in all the crevices. Took the pods off first and put saran wrap over the holes, ziptied in place. Used a nylon brush and scrubbed and sprayed and everywhere I could reach. Left a hazmat spill on the driveway afterward, lots of grease came off.

Also cleaned out the pods, lots of the same grease and road grime in the pleats. Spilled gas everywhere when I propped the tank up (I just filled it on Friday). Does it normally spill out the filler cap like that? Guess I need to invest in some quick disconnects so I can pull the tank off if need be. Looking close at the fuel hose, it appears to be original since it still has oetiker clamps on it. Starting to crack in a few places so that needs doing. Can I just use generic autoparts store stuff or should I spring for the specially curved Ducati stuff?


Tank seal overflow  can happen but usually on a very full tank.
Good work and good score. Get the WD40  and wire brush and clean up all the all the electrical connections and ground points. Aits good you are checking all the rubber hoses for cracks and splits.
2015 Scrambler 800


Anybody know if these would work on my triple? I'd like to use these because then I could clamp a RAM mount to the exposed bar in the middle.


Quote from: mileshh1 on June 21, 2018, 09:30:09 AM
Anybody know if these would work on my triple? I'd like to use these because then I could clamp a RAM mount to the exposed bar in the middle.

Hmm.. I'm not convinced they will. My stock bar 'risers' are higher (from vague ? memory) and the bar diameter looks (again vague ?) like they'd fit a 22mm steel bar - as delivered on the Dark version of the S2R.

Maybe the Dark parts are more like yours than a standard S2R....  Parts number work in order.
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


I think those will have the bolts too far apart to install them on an early triple.

Just a suspicion at this point, no backup.
As fate has it, the OEM parts manual does not even show the lower clamp parts. At all.
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Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Lots to report, mostly frustrations. Went to start some work on the bike, throw it up on the rear stand, notice that the sight glass is really full. Crankcase is full of gas. Put a can under the carb drains and it just flows forever. So we have a sticking float needle and the petcock has failed (I have a receipt from the PO that shows the petcock being replaced two years ago!)

Spilled gas everywhere trying to syphon/drain the tank, eventually get it off. Removed the carbs for a good bench cleaning.

(you can see the pulley holder in the pipe)

I eventually got to the original task for the day: removing the pulley castle nut so I could replace the rubber cap thing. Those nuts are insane. Had to put a 4 foot pipe on the pulley holder so I could rest it against the ground, and used another 4 foot pipe on the nut tool. Was really scared about breaking something, but it came off eventually. I had marked the placement of the belt on the pulley, and the pulley was aligned with the timing mark. Kinda scary that there isn't any real indexing of the pulley to the shaft.

Luckily ebay had a $15 of $75 promotion. Used my account and my girlfriends, scooped:
1) motion pro manual petock
2) motion pro quick connect
3) carb rebuild kit (I peaked in the carbs, orings and gaskets are toast)
4) handlebar clamps!
5) fuel filter

So kinda frustrated. Hoping to be able to ride this thing to the beach for the 4th but that deadline is quickly approaching. Thinking that I should also replace the needle seats, but I'll disassemble the carbs and post some pics today and let the internet weigh in. With the pod filters you'd hope there's already a jet kit in it...


Did a thorough carb cleaning/inspection this morning.

Before disassembly I dunked them in container of oxiclean and dish soap (they had a lot of crud on the outside that I didn't want getting in.

Gaskets are toast:

Pleasant surprise, has factory pro stuff in it, including what appear to be factory plated emulsion tubes. I can't detect any ovaling, so I'm gonna hold off on replacing those.

Main jets are 137.5 and the needle is clipped as shown:

Diaphragms and everything else look good, so here's hoping the petcock and rebuild kit solve this problem.

Uncle Mofo

Cool thread, watching  [popcorn]

                                   2007 red S4Rs


+1. ðŸ'ðŸ»ðŸ¥ƒ
2001 Ducati  Monster 900S ie
JE high comp pistons, bit of porting, open airbox with DP filter, PC3 with custom map, CCW matched injectors, Termignoni cf slip ons, 14:39 gearing.

Gone but not forgotten!
Honda VFR800i, Honda CBR600F3, Honda CBX750, Norton Commando 750S, Suzuki GS750, Yamaha XT250, Kawasaki Z250, Kawasaki KX80, Honda XL250, Suzuki TC100.



FP make a quality jet kit and I'm told well suited to the 750 motor. The FP needle jets/emulsion tubes are a bonus and will outlast oem tubes. So you might getaway with just replacing the float bowl gaskets and maybe the float needle valves. Note that I have had brand new float needle valves leak while the leaking/flooding stopped when I refitted the manky old ones. Who knew. Beware the diaphragms shrinking out of the carbs so refit them to hold their shape. Rebuild kits are available from Powerbarn, SUDCO, Jets r Us or your Yamaha dealer. Interesting to see what the local Ducati dealer wants for a rebuild kit.
The jetting looks to be in the ballpark.
2015 Scrambler 800


Looks like it is coming together !
2005 Monster 1000s