Bushing for rear sprocket - 97 M900

Started by greenohawk69, July 14, 2018, 03:22:36 PM

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Had one of the bushings within the bearing that the rear sprocket gets set into come out.

It appears that it was glued in from what I can see and feel was on it. It fell off within the OEM Brembo rear wheel.

Any suggestions on how to re-attach? My first thought is to use this KB Weld high strength epoxy to coat the oitside of the bushing and set it back in.
"An enlightened people, and an energetic public opinion... will control and enchain the aristocratic spirit of the government." --Thomas Jefferson to Chevalier de Ouis, 1814

There are 4 boxes to be used in the defense of liberty:  Soap, Ballot, Jury and Ammo.  Please use in this order.  -- Ed Howdershelt


It's time to replace them...kush drive...heat up the rim around the kush drive until water dances off it...then with a slide hammer pop them out...put the new ones in before it cools


Recommendation on replacement part? Vendor?
"An enlightened people, and an energetic public opinion... will control and enchain the aristocratic spirit of the government." --Thomas Jefferson to Chevalier de Ouis, 1814

There are 4 boxes to be used in the defense of liberty:  Soap, Ballot, Jury and Ammo.  Please use in this order.  -- Ed Howdershelt


I don't have a source outside of the dealer...but I love buying parts from startwin.com...it makes more sense to buy more than one thing but the savings are significant


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