Cluster Will not turn on

Started by Son of a Sith, July 16, 2019, 03:52:13 AM

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Son of a Sith

I bought an 09 1100S Monster a month ago. I have put 2k miles on it with no issues, I was riding last night and the bike just quit. Lost power to my cluster (as if someone just turned the key off) Immobilizer is blinking, battery is charged, and I've had no issues to this point. Does anyone have a suggestion on what might cause this? When I turn the key on, I get horn, lights, etc, but no cluster, fuel pump.


Start with checking all the fuses.


Quote from: howie on July 16, 2019, 04:10:02 AM
Start with checking all the fuses.
Don't forget the large one's usually located near the battery.
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    To realize the value of nine  months:
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"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


How old is the battery? Was it fully charged? Have you load tested it?
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I doubt it's the battery since you have light, horn etc and no cluster or fuel pump.

Check all fuses as suggested above and if you find blown fuse, check the wiring. Fuses don't normally blow up for no reason so you might have some other electrical problem.

A couple of days ago my mates gixxer lost speedo and indicators whilst riding. Blown fuse. New fuse blew in no time again. Turned out he installed wrong wattage headlight bulb.
'05 s2r800

Son of a Sith

It was the fuse, got home from work and went right to it. Wish I would have thought about that before I waited an hour on the side of the interstate...first time dealing with that issue though.
Thanks for the suggestions!