Hi folks... It's good to be back in the fold. And glad to see some long-time members still sharing their experiences. As for me... I started out on "TOB" when I bought my first Monster back in 2005 (it was a new 2004 leftover). I started modding it immediately and it eventually looked like this...

In 2015 I traded it in on an Aprilia Dorsoduro (new 2014 leftover). That was a great bike... but I sure missed my lil' 620. Long story short... I bought a CBR 1000rr SP Repsol in 2018 (new 2016 leftover), lost my job, sold the Aprilia, got a job, got a GF, bought her a 2007 GS 500F (she's taking her MSF course later this month)... BUT STILL MISSED MY LIL' 620!
So... I picked this one up a few weeks ago.

It's a 2006 M620 ie Dark, so it doesn't have the metal tank or gold-line brakes my 2004 had, but with only 8500 miles, and for only $2,200, I took the deal. Now that the new Monsters have completely abandoned the trellis frame, I like to think these old bikes have even more of an allure (at least to me they do).
I immediately went about the business of removing the side panels, relocating the rear ignition coil, removing the hugger, removing the heel guards, removing the evap canister, painting the sprocket and belt covers with some black rattle-can bed liner, putting on a new chain and 14/48 Superlite sprockets, and installing a new HT Moto seat cover (the orig pan and foam were in good shape, but the orig cover had seen its better days (especially over the passenger portion).

Now for the exhaust... It looks like Delkevic is one of the only companies that still has new exhausts in stock for these old bikes. As a "budget build" I opted for the stainless steel (only $365 shipped). They arrived yesterday afternoon. I had them on just a few minutes later! Now the bike sounds the way it should. (baffles out, of course!)

I've always been told a Ducati is a "tinkerer's" bike. Good thing I love to tinker! I've been down almost all of the upgrade/mod rabbit holes with my old 2004, so I've got a good idea of what I still want (and don't want) to do with this 2006.
More to come... Glad to be back!