Speedo Drive

Started by bdfinally, June 26, 2022, 02:52:42 PM

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Put the wheels back on the old gal ('00 M750)after mounting some new rubber. Front wheel is giving me a problem. The Speedo drive is binding up on the wheel as I spin it. Don't even have the axle torqued down to spec. Bad thing is the cable is locked into the drive. Can loosen the lock on it but doesn't back out and has been that way for a few years. Don't think I misplaced any parts from when I took the wheel off. Take a look.

See any dead giveaway problems?

I'm wondering if the smart move is to buy a bicycle speedo with a magnet/pickup and just cut the cable at the point it enters the drive or buy a fleabay used drive & new cable?
The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST


Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Did you replace the disc bolts? They could be fouling the drive.
2015 Scrambler 800


I did replace the bolts with some new SS ones and thought the same thing. So off with the new and back to the old & same deal with the drive moving with the wheel. I've checked Ducati Omaha online OEM parts and seems both the cable/drive #'s have be superseded a couple of times. Original #'s not available now.
The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST


Are the oem bolts the flat head version? If so, then regular bolts are too tall. The oem are flat for clearance.

The Speedo drive spacer takes up the torque and moves before axle torque is reached so I position it allowing for that. It'll come around a bit before the torque wrench clicks.

Axle spacers mixed up? They are usually asymmetric.

Watch the tab location to line up right. Not bent?
2015 Scrambler 800


These bolts have worked for a decade fine, I don't know why they'd be the problem now. As far as spacers go on mine the speedo drive is the only "axle spacer." And there isn't a tab on either the speedo drive or the lower fork leg. Initially I thought that was the problem but when I took everything back apart, nada.

The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST


Are you saying the "new" bolts have been there for years or did you replace them now?
I understand, you have a shouldered axle? Hollow? Is there a nut on the end (as in the pic) or does it screw into a fitting in the fork.? If it screws into a fitting then check that fitting hasnt moved on disassembly.
Does the spacer move in the Speedo drive or is it solid? Does the drive turn by hand or is it internally seized (rare)? Does the wheel feel fouled on turning or just resistance? Check the bearings (you probably have).

Keep checking everything. Walk away and let it percolate.
2015 Scrambler 800


The bolts in the picture have been in there for a decade since I install the BrakeTech rotor. Yes, hollow axle. The interal piece with the nubs in the drive turns freely.
The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST


I thought that was a nice disc. From Motowheels back in the day? I think that disc may give the clearance for the bolts to miss the speedo drive. Check that the speedo drive casing hasn't come loose from its spacer causing the binding. It needs to sit proud of the casing on each side. Besides what has been mentioned, I can't see what is fouling the wheel.
2015 Scrambler 800


Yeah, it an Axis Iron Rotor, bought directly from BrakeTeach. That baby was rusty as hell after sitting for 2 1/2 years [puke] I'll check again the drive. The only other thing I can think of is to loosen everything slight and drop it off the stand and see if something pops back into place.
The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST


Yeah, do that and hopefully it squares up. The clearance is tight.
2015 Scrambler 800


Forks level in the triples?
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Yep, forks are level in trips and it just needed a couple upsy/downsy to square everything up & roll free! Now I can tear everything apart again & finally remember that the rotor has a 10mm offset that's now 20mm the wrong side of the caliper  [bang] [bang] [bang]
The tyranny of the rat race is not yet final...HST